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[Germany][8.6] Exysia RPG || Giant, custom map! || NOW ONLINE!

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Indeed they are, as with several other bugs. Remember if you find any bugs report them on the bug tracker on the site and we'll fix them asap! I'm going to do them in one big swoop tomorrow morning, players are getting tired of the restarts. :p
edit: potions exhaust fixed.


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I'm not able to login now, I was earlier but I ran into a bug beside the training room.

Lets go!
Once you get to level 100 it won't be as easy. ;)
earlier it was stable just an unexpected bug came up that was in the ORIGINAL SERVER GIVIN TO SAM... nobody knew about it, infact it might of caused alysia ot to go into a few crash's every once and a while.

Right now im informed server got bugged, not a crash.
its not my problem im not owner or staff on the ot, so please say something besides "as long as you guys" x_x
Server didn't crash a function was missing from a script which caused it to loop and I had to crash it.

It's fixed now and we are reviewing all scripts to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Wozu, everyone is still frozen ingame, please restart the server or w/e
I cant do anything until I'm home. Driving ATM and on my phone. I'll be home soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
@Czin can you log back in?
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