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@ GM Aezol and his unnecessary banishments ^^

The GM did what he felt was right. End of story isnt it? I would love to see one of you other guys in a GM position...

You couldnt handle it for sure.

Great job Aezol, keep on doing your job :thumbup:
I wonder when talaturen will check the cam so he knows we didnt use bot lol..

/Sir Retip
No there is not, but this one clearly shows that Sir retip didnt even sd the same target as the cammer -.-

/Sir Retip
Who cares, after all your insults I would have delited you guys if I where GM.

Just get outta here

And when do we get unbanned? Dont u see me (fejl) running next to tyrone and isnt attacking at the same time as he is? Combo bot? No dont think so
Funny thing is that i got banned while i was running from blood legacy and not in battle

/Sir Retip
Gms. It is time to come with a solution for the unjustified bans.
And dont say you havent got proof enough. If you havent then why ban all in the first place?
This is really unfair lol, its gone 1 day for a ban for nothing -.-

/Sir Retip
Im not the one thats banned, so I belong here. You however...

How about you stop being a smartass bitch, son.
Wtf crawled up your ass to make you such a fuckin annoyin lil kid.

The point is that all of us were banned unjustified and we want justice? Meanwhile some time has passed and we still dont see any progress except for Talaturens "I will look into it, because if 1 person was botting they didnt ALL deserve to be banned".

Anyways I was only going to play 1 more week because after that my holidays end but I guess Ill leave the server a little early :)
yea tbh, if nothing will happen ill leave too and so will my friends i guess, cuz if we got banned once without reason it will probably happen again, since its strange why we all got 7 days for NOTHING, i cant say we all did not use bot, but most of us did not -.-

/Sir Retip
How about you stop being a smartass bitch, son.
Wtf crawled up your ass to make you such a fuckin annoyin lil kid.

The point is that all of us were banned unjustified and we want justice? Meanwhile some time has passed and we still dont see any progress except for Talaturens "I will look into it, because if 1 person was botting they didnt ALL deserve to be banned".

Anyways I was only going to play 1 more week because after that my holidays end but I guess Ill leave the server a little early :)

And you dont think we get annoyed by your flaming and crying over the forums??

If Talaturen has said he will look into it, it means stop FLAMING and wait for his respons...
How about you stop being a smartass bitch, son.
Wtf crawled up your ass to make you such a fuckin annoyin lil kid.

The point is that all of us were banned unjustified and we want justice? Meanwhile some time has passed and we still dont see any progress except for Talaturens "I will look into it, because if 1 person was botting they didnt ALL deserve to be banned".

Anyways I was only going to play 1 more week because after that my holidays end but I guess Ill leave the server a little early :)

bb :thumbup:
And I just found out that even the leader of blood legacy, schteekarn, knows that we did not even use combo bot

/Sir Retip
Its just to hard to see when you fast forward everything, find me a movie thats clean and i can actually do something about it.
Its just to hard to see when you fast forward everything, find me a movie thats clean and i can actually do something about it.

I just showed specific parts to show you that we didnt use combo because the full cam is 45 min and its mostly magic walling going on


Besides, all you need to see is the parts where we shoot sds and its clear that we didnt use any cheat right? I dont see the problem here