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Hnr Mapping Showoff

Wow, really nice environments bro, Great job!! This has been such an inspiration for me, thanks!!

Do you mind telling me what program you use to make these gifs? If any?
Sorry for the delay in responding, these times were very busy for me.

I used a program called "ScreenToGif".

Thanks for the compliment, may I keep releasing inspirations for you :]
Hey guys, I changed my Discord tag and didn't even connect, sorry everyone who tried to get in touch, this is my new tag: Henriq#344
Have a Happy 2023, all the best to everyone!
I go post thing special for put in comemoration of 2023.
Although I still love looking at 8.6 sprites for nostalgia, this looks cool!
Although I still love looking at 8.6 sprites for nostalgia, this looks cool!
I'm about to do a showoff with old sprites, I've already separated the theme XD.

thanks for your comment bro, appreciate.
    Bring It Reaction GIF by reactionseditor

Olá meus amigos de longa e velha data...
Sei que estou aparecendo pouco por aqui, mas é por que a vida por fora da internet é um pouco mais corrida do que o normal.
Mas, quando eu volto, é para mostrar algumas de minhas artes para vocês.
Hello my long time friends...
I know I don't appear much here, but that's because life outside the internet is a little busier than usual.
But when I come back, it's to show you some of my art.

Lembrando que todos os gifs que irei postar, são prints de um único mapa, sendo ele um continente para um cliente, sendo assim, um mapa jogável porém que não está a venda!
Remembering that all the gifs I will post are prints of a single map, being a continent for a client, therefore, a playable map but not for sale!

local 1.giflocal 2.giflocal 3.giflocal 4.gif
local 5.gif

See you later.
Not a fan of these types of screenshots.

Zoom more in so all the details can be seen ;p
Hi my friend, thanks for feedback, in the nexts gifs i can show with more zoom or better, in game.
sorry for the types of screenshots.