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🔥 Kingdom Age — Jobs feature poll — VOTE NOW! ✔

What job(s) would you like to see at first?

  • ⛏ Gatherer

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • ⚔ Blacksmith

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • ⚗ Alchemist

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • 🍖 Cooker

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • 🐉 Tamer

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • 💰 Merchant

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters

River KA

Veteran OT User
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score

We are about to develop a job feature on Kingdom Age.

But my question is: What job(s) would you like to see at first?
Fell free to VOTE! ✔


Gatherer — Gather resources (wood, stone, hide, ore, fiber, fish, herb, crop) around zones over the map and refine them.
Gathered resources are mostly used by Blacksmith.


Blacksmith — Craft equipment pieces and upgrade their tier. This includes recipes, elemental equipment pieces and equipment durability.
This needs resources gathered by Gatherer.


Alchemist — Plant herbs, and craft potions, antidotes, amulets, rings, runes and also be able to attach cards (which you find in monsters) on equipment pieces.


🍖 Cooker — Plant crops, and craft vitamins and pet food. This includes gems (which makes vitamins and are dropped by monsters). Vitamins do the same of each card also do, but only one can be used at a time and it is also temporary.
This crafts food used by Tamer.

🐉 Tamer — Tame a creature to be your pet, take care of it, name it, make them mature, make them make more pets. This includes nutrition, stamina (time for being using the pet), loving the pet, wild pets, gender, pasture, normal pets (visual only), racing pets (makes you faster), cargo pets (makes you be able to carry more weight) and flight pets (makes you be able to fly).
This needs pet food crafted by Cooker.


💰 Merchant — Be able to open a store in the middle of any city (like Ragnarok) even if you are offline (offline will probably be a premium feature), to auto loot, to profit from your products, to inspect players, to craft tools, steal from normal monsters, gatherer bag, shelter (heals all your HP/MP in some conditions). This includes also features like item recognition (all items are unknown in the beginning).

  • Multiple votes are allowed.
  • As noticed, some features depends of another job, so some features may not be developed for some time.
  • You can be all jobs at the same time, but it will be hard enough for you to want to be just 2 or maybe 3 at the same time.
  • Those are brief descriptions which hides several details and other features not mentioned.

Thank you for your time.

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