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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Swain is a pownage at mid game but after game he sucks a lot... He's funny yeah but as Nevalopo said he has nothing to do in teamfights, the pro he has is that he traps very quick the enemies but nothing more... Im saving to buy a page of 100% critical runes, someone know the price of buying a full page of runes (Critical)¿¿
Swain is a pownage at mid game but after game he sucks a lot... He's funny yeah but as Nevalopo said he has nothing to do in teamfights, the pro he has is that he traps very quick the enemies but nothing more... Im saving to buy a page of 100% critical runes, someone know the price of buying a full page of runes (Critical)¿¿

Around 9-14k ip ^^
swain sucks :( got nothing to come with in teamfights.

Still he is funny :D & his ulti is just the shiat :D


There is actually 2 ways to play him ... if you do well & rush a majiuas, my ultimate with meja will keep me alive & let me do great dmg o_O

But if you are underfeeded .. = bad, he needs to get feeded early game to take over late game & he is also one of the few late game ap carries.
Swain is a pownage at mid game but after game he sucks a lot... He's funny yeah but as Nevalopo said he has nothing to do in teamfights, the pro he has is that he traps very quick the enemies but nothing more... Im saving to buy a page of 100% critical runes, someone know the price of buying a full page of runes (Critical)¿¿

crit dmg or crit chance? crit dmg is around 24k i think
Swain is a pownage at mid game but after game he sucks a lot... He's funny yeah but as Nevalopo said he has nothing to do in teamfights, the pro he has is that he traps very quick the enemies but nothing more... Im saving to buy a page of 100% critical runes, someone know the price of buying a full page of runes (Critical)¿¿

Which, Crit chance or damage?
Critical Chance full rune page.

I'd rather pick damage xD, Chance is kinda easy to fix in game, but sure it could be good :p uhmm

Marks - 410 IP x 9 Slots = 3690 IP
Glyphs - 410 IP x 9 Slots = 3690 IP
Seal - 410 IP x 9 Slots = 3690 IP
Quints -1025 IP x 3 Slots = 3075 IP

he is bad :) Sure u can carry with him on normal games where soraka goes AD etc but not on ranked ^^

SOraka going AD on normal games? :x never seen any, I wish I face one doing that, Would be fun, btw

Im epic as soraka ;] Heal + Fortify <3