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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Haha Nev, I'll try that ^_^

We'll have to have a game together soon.

Tough game, but i miss game like this, now you own in 25 min or you surrender in 25min
highest insta-dmg champ is Veigar ^^ U can nuke almost any champ down in less than 3 seconds. Except the tanks like rammus etc with 500 mr :p

I dont like him, he is like ryze i hate champs like ryze/veigar & akali -.-
I love Ryze, he was my second champ I bought.

He's great.
My Main Champs top 3
1. Kassadin
2. Nidalee
3. Malphite

Hard call though, I like all champions(except for Singed, he's just gay :()

2x I would bann on 3v3
1. Tryndamere(obvious)
2. Dr Mundo(up)

2x I would bann on 5v5
1. Rammus(great jungler and ganker)
2. Malphite(Initiates like a boss)¨

Yeah I really wanna buy a DPS char.

I just bought Shaco, can't really play well with him.
The first match I played I scored 13/2/8
The rest I just get around 5-7 kills with 5 deaths...

Any idea how I can get better with him? Any good builds and any tips?

I usually start with a dorans ring and grab golem at level 1(don't forget to have your mates look out for potential ganks). Then, sheen, boots of mobility, infinity edge/survive item, whatever you did not pick(survive/IE), madreds bloodrazor starting with the recurve bow, and then selling the ring to get an item depending on how the game is going(either survivability like frozen mallet or more damage, ex. bloodthirster). After all this, build the sheen into a trinity force :)
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No patch this week.
Phreak said:
We aren't patching until early January. Consider the patch roughly 1 week late due to the holidays.

I was dreaming all the night about: "Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Spotlight, featuring Caitlyn, The Sheriff of Piltover" HAHA
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I think we guys should make up a time when we can meet eachother , like a tournament. For example,
5otland members against 5otlandmembers, just to have fun:D I think nevalopoo should make something like this just to have fun :p
But it doesnt matter we cannot try again, just write if u interest in otland match!

Slots 10
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