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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Riot games cant fix a shit, when u play a game and when ur done, You see your friends have been playing for like 60min and after u relog its gone. Either they logged out or joined another game.. Stupid riot cant fix something

:) About Riot yea they dont fix anything... The Ryze teleport glitch is still there just check Youtube, Ryze teleporting.

Kayle ftw!

:) About Riot yea they dont fix anything... The Ryze teleport glitch is still there just check Youtube, Ryze teleporting.

Kayle ftw!

1: There is no ryze teleport bug thing..
2: The fault is often at the players end.. Ex the 100+ min lfriend bug is because u / they been disconnected while playing ^^
3: VERY wierd build for kayle.
Yea I built him with CDR items and maximizim the healing spells with the armor.
I was healing each 6 seconds and they couldnt kill us and blessing everybody. The blessing cd is like 70 secs and I had it with 40 secs CD.
Hey, Which is your top 3 Main Champs, Which 2 would you bann on 5v5 and 3v3?

My Main Champs top 3
1. Gragas (My main and always will be <3)
2. Sivir (So fun and epic build I got on her <3)
3. Janna (soooo Fun and useful <3)

2x I would bann on 3v3
1. Tryndamere (Come on trynda on 3v3...=D its :X)
2. Dr Mundo (Me no liek him!)

2x I would bann on 5v5
1. Dr Mundo (All his spells are annoying when u play against him , but ignite on his ulti is lovely :d)
2. Taric (Heal heal stun stun me no liek him!)
My Main Champs top 3
1. Kennen
2. Kayle (Double K-Team)
3. Annie (Stun ready - Q - W - R - Q combo ftw)

2x I would bann on 3v3
1. Pantheon
2. Twisted Fate (Teleporting to backdoor same with Pantheon)

2x I would bann on 5v5
1. Mordekaiser (Fuck him grey shield -.-)
2. Vladimir (Grr :mad:)

2x I would bann on 3v3
I dont play.

2x I would bann on 5v5
1. Panth (E total unbalanced)
2. Kassadin (Hate his silence while playing squishy champ)

I found a plugin which gives you 4 extra buttons at lols which are sending a instant messages, default misses


P.S I asked riot games about this thing, they simply dont care right now.
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This game was so fuuun! first, their mundo leaved, after that we destroyed one of their inhibitors.. then i went to the jungle and Xin Zhao and Morderkaiser went to our base so they destroy some stuff, i had like 230 dmg so i ran to their nexus and destroyed it, it had 3,8k HP i used E and R, pretty good one :D

2x I would bann on 3v3
I dont play.

2x I would bann on 5v5
1. Panth (E total unbalanced)
2. Kassadin (Hate his silence while playing squishy champ)

I found a plugin which gives you 4 extra buttons at lols which are sending a instant messages, default misses


P.S I asked riot games about this thing, they simply dont care right now.

Pretty intresting.. :eek: will take a closer look to it
Guys , any suggestions of what 3.1k champ i should get o_O? I love champs with high dmg & fun ... etc lol <.< please post examples
Nidalee is very fun

Never ever in my life im gonna buy nidalee, not even try her when she is free :D! never! NEEEEEEVERRRRRRR

Any other suggestions :D? i like :

Le Blanc

wich one? please!! :D
Never ever in my life im gonna buy nidalee, not even try her when she is free :D! never! NEEEEEEVERRRRRRR

Any other suggestions :D? i like :

Le Blanc

wich one? please!! :D

Ok answer this question and u will see which u would like to buy the most

Le Blanc (Mage)
Phanteon (DPs, AD)
Warwick (Jungler)
Malphite (Tank)

The question is : What do you wanna play the most?

A: A Mage
B: A DPs (AD)
C: A Jungler
D: A Tank
Yeah I really wanna buy a DPS char.

I just bought Shaco, can't really play well with him.
The first match I played I scored 13/2/8
The rest I just get around 5-7 kills with 5 deaths...

Any idea how I can get better with him? Any good builds and any tips?
Just wait for teamfight then just claim rest of the frags, dont be a part of this thing youre an assassin.
Ok answer this question and u will see which u would like to buy the most

Le Blanc (Mage)
Phanteon (DPs, AD)
Warwick (Jungler)
Malphite (Tank)

The question is : What do you wanna play the most?

A: A Mage
B: A DPs (AD)
C: A Jungler
D: A Tank

I love mages actually, i love high dmg champs , le blanc,anivia etc.. i love doing dmg! :D
I agree, I dislike him and only a few people I've played with/agaisnt have done well with him.