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[League of Legends] General Discussion

This patch that is comming now is going to RUIN League of Legends.

You people who are level 1-25~~ dont notice the diffrence but us players who have played since very very long time.. They will nerf everything. Runes will be shit, Masteries will be shit, Dorans Items will probably not be so good anymore.
I hope Riot wont release this patch... aaaaaaaargh

they are a profesional team, and i know they know what they do.
so i dont care

im so bad :(
@Darkflame you have like 150 wins, You don't know how this affect you. And you'r stats from your games are retarded and you are embarrasing yourself. That is normal game and you queue up with level 1 guys to feel pro. gj try ranked
@Darkflame you have like 150 wins, You don't know how this affect you. And you'r stats from your games are retarded and you are embarrasing yourself. That is normal game and you queue up with level 1 guys to feel pro. gj try ranked

and ur just a swedlandier who feels being good

i fuckking play every game in the enemy with 5 lvl 30

dont fuckk on me you jealous kid, always u got any problems to me.

do me a favor and do these things.
-> delete LoL

-> open the window

-> jump

U are embarrasing kid lol u think u are cool when u say "I AM BAD!!" then post a screenshot of 30/3/9 twitch.

Anyways, What i mean is u would never ever get theese stats in ranked. Because there you dont play with retards and trolls who go ad soraka and ad krathus

U are embarrasing kid lol u think u are cool when u say "I AM BAD!!" then post a screenshot of 30/3/9 twitch.

Anyways, What i mean is u would never ever get theese stats in ranked. Because there you dont play with retards and trolls who go ad soraka and ad krathus

i dont feel me cool, i just want get respect
Most people on US server dont even do ranked games. I have 130 wins and lv 30 but high elo, i got a lot of losses from people messing around as nevalopo said.

I don't like ranked because people get more P.O bout "feeders" which in all honesty, only exist if somebody runs into another turret, sits there and dies. Which, doesnt exist?.. People have a bad game sometimes and die often. People needa get over it.

Btw Sion is one Bad ass mother fker late game (about an hour) when playing AD/tank. Was doing 400 damage normal hits and had 4.8k hp. Atma's = Win. 2 bloodthirster, AD/lv runes, Atmas, constant growing health, one bad ass guy. I don't like AP sion, its a burst champ with low dmg.

@patch note vid. Yay!! no more middle laning opponents with dorans blade + health pot. And, tanks gonna be easier to kill early game (like morde without health regeneration runes)
Rammus nerf? Ok. [Again???] They said the same than the last video...
Wtf about the masteries/runes.... -.-!
@Valentino yeah i dont know about the masteries and runes.. i hope they dont implent it because it will ruin lol so hard. i hope riot understands they are fucking up the game. video has 3.5k dislikes and the post has been closed because too much flame and downvoted.
Yea they have to vote No but anyway if they add it they said that it wont have so much difference like the wards (latest patch).
I see there's still no one that understands the patch.

They are nerfing mana regen runes, yes. BUT! They are buffing all champions base mana regen, so you will still have the same amount of mana regen if you continue running your mp/5 runes. The change has been done so that those that chose not to use mp/5 runes(or don't have them for whatever reason) won't be sitting with zero mana for the majority of their laning phase(as this encourages passive play).

I can't really comment on the nerfs to regen masteries and HP quints aswell as not being able to start with a dorans+pot, but I doubt it's going to change THAT much. It's probably just going to make one more prone to not being harassed early in the game.

@Renekton buff, I hope they won't overdo it. He just needs some slight tweaks to his CDs and he'll be perfectly fine IMO.
its a good thing that runes are getting weakened. As a player that doesn't use runes i find it really stupid how people dont buy any champs untill like lv 30, and have a TON of runes then buy a noob champ like Sivir, and own early/mid game and just get tons of wins because they are experienced players that are bored and want a better W/L ratio. Its lame and i see so much of it.
its a good thing that runes are getting weakened. As a player that doesn't use runes i find it really stupid how people dont buy any champs untill like lv 30, and have a TON of runes then buy a noob champ like Sivir, and own early/mid game and just get tons of wins because they are experienced players that are bored and want a better W/L ratio. Its lame and i see so much of it.

I dont like runes
But its ok how it is right now
Hey guys help me, I skipped waiting for stats because it was taking too long, then it wouldnt let me enter a match so I relogged, and now I'm stuck at reconnect screen, it doesn't let me reconnect because game doesn't exist and I can't leave. Anyone knows how to fix this?
This has happened to me before, what you got to do is reconnect like 10+/- times then the server will end the game. However that was several months ago and they have had server problems for a few days now (atleast on US servers).

For any technical difficulties that Riot is experiencing and fixing you look at top left corner of PVP.net client.

Side note: i was banished :'( called a kid an "offensive name" several times and got banned for a while :/.
Lol, Kennen is insanely OP when played correctly, my favorite way to play him though is a DPS hybrid. Your Q will do insane damage :>. Btw I noticed a sivir on enimies team, 1/11/7 is what i think im seeing. HOW? i go 10/2-4/15+ every match with sivir. Go mid, hopefully a mage in mid and just keep on clearing minion waves, blocking mage attacks whenever possible with E as well. Another note for Sivir, Manamune procs W's active, clearing minion waves early game will give you an additional 40-60 attack damage output lategame + will give you insane mana for spamming your Q (with full CDR its very low cd and if played correctly will do 400-800 hp in one chuck (that is if you hit enimies twice with it) its a very strong attack.)

Bloodthirsters are bad if your having a bad game aswell, iv had 3 bloodthirsters on sivir b4. I had TONS of damage, 510 to be exact. Was owning people, but i died and lost stacks on bloodthirsters, sword of occult :"(.

Other key item for Sivir, required at late game is... Frozen Mallet. Bro, its epic. Face it.

Btw most people aren't that great at using sivirs E at a proper time. It doesnt stop on hit affects (like ashes frost shots) but will stop her volley and ult.


Her second attack (with passive W active) will proc life steal, frozen mallet affects, madreds, etc. I dont suggust you get any items that have possibility to do 500 direct damage to minions, slows down your manamune farming abilities.
Hey guys did it happen to you? I played 2 games and after that I checked my IP and they didnt give me the 2 games IP earned.
2 games and I earn 70 and the other 111 IP, why didnt they add it to my profile......? The stats were okay, I saw them both.


Edit: Oh relogged and added, wtf -.-