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[League of Legends] General Discussion

You just cant counter him

Wat? please tell me how to counter him without flash or ghost vs me as ashe. Or anyone in my team for that fact when he jumps in to all and just facerapes :p

1. pick some very nice hero that can silence like soraka

2. Silence him D;

3. gg he cant use spells just atk

????? makes no sense lol after silence he will demolish you and no1 can kill him :p

He just added you cause of the "Referal System". The staff doesnt add people to have fun cause they are always working.
There a lot of better players with more ELO and so, so I think he just added you cause of that Referal System, they think you cheat or smthing ^^'
He'd add me if I had all those referals.

What.. U stupid lol even if i would have 999999 referrals it means im just a good social guy :>

he added me cuz he wanted to give me emissary posistion :D
Learn how to respect. I didnt insult you and you just did.
If you felt hurt by my words it's okay but you dont have the rights to call me stupid...
Learn how to respect. I didnt insult you and you just did.
If you felt hurt by my words it's okay but you dont have the rights to call me stupid...

sorry if you get hurt by me calling you stupid but posting something like "Riot Staff only contacts people that have referrals!" is very stupid ^^

says the level 5 kid
i donnu why im even on otland lol everyone here is level 5 - 25 and thinks they are best at this game ^^ a bit sad :p

Just because your level 30 does that make you pro. Dude i've played this game for 3-5 days. I still got kills like an normal level 23 player. I can get over 12 kills and 0 deaths. Its easy just attack the worst player to get feeded and then after when you have little hp you just "Recall" to regain hp to fuck someone up again.. I dont say my stats good or not. But for playing this game for 3-5 days its better then you ever gonna get.. Just stop you think "your good" and your hating donation? LoL has donation system "Riot Points" your donate to them to help them have there server.. So quit the Avatar you got and get a real job..-.- and stop act like a boss and cool guy.
Just because your level 30 does that make you pro. Dude i've played this game for 3-5 days. I still got kills like an normal level 23 player. I can get over 12 kills and 0 deaths. Its easy just attack the worst player to get feeded and then after when you have little hp you just "Recall" to regain hp to fuck someone up again.. I dont say my stats good or not. But for playing this game for 3-5 days its better then you ever gonna get.. Just stop you think "your good" and your hating donation? LoL has donation system "Riot Points" your donate to them to help them have there server.. So quit the Avatar you got and get a real job..-.- and stop act like a boss and cool guy.

Sad i cant put this as a comment but i will quote it :D You have no idea how retarded you are :D:D

People that do understand this game (like 3 people on otland) will lol at your post :D
lol its sad that US is up before EU :(
I will try Nocturne now on us :D havent played there for ages
