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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Cant start getting quadras?
I just got 2 and posted pic? =P

you cant get any kills because u cant play ranked :p all thoose kills pentas etc doesnt count because they dont registrer :p iv gotten millions of pentas in ranked but they are useless :p i get them vs ad sorakas and tank twitches etc
you cant get any kills because u cant play ranked :p all thoose kills pentas etc doesnt count because they dont registrer :p iv gotten millions of pentas in ranked but they are useless :p i get them vs ad sorakas and tank twitches etc

Ofc they count i dont care if ranked or no XD I haven't played ranked yet do I need lvl 30 for it?

btw I haven't lost any game for 2 days now ^^
only wins
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Ofc they count i dont care if ranked or no XD I haven't played ranked yet do I need lvl 30 for it?

btw I haven't lost any game for 2 days now ^^
only wins

yeh thats why u cant start getting pentas :p and no they dont count, Show me the counter for them.

Here is the counter for Ranked atleast ^^
Tho those Penta & quadras I got was in normal lol x) probably more at low lvl but I dont remember so ;P but at lvl 25-30 normal I got 3-4 Penta I know with Akali & MF (while ago, could be confusing it up xD)

I don't care if they don't count just cause its normal, I just said I got some tho LOL :p
makes me upset when ots have donations lol... its not a donation if you expect items in return. Its a fucking purchase. SAME THING GOES FOR LEAGUE OF LEGENDS... ITS A FUCKIN PURCHASE... now fairy go leave the thread you called LoL a boring stupid game so why are you even still here?...

btw i just lost first ranked ever :mad:! I had a rammus on our team and we were up against an AP teemo, Ryze, Poppy, Amumu and a Malphite. Rammus built ALL ARMOR... no mr and i kept telling him to build mr not armor and he said "No" Then our kennen ragequits and we loose, not to mention our kat went mid and let ryze farm like a mother fucker and our rammus would go to "gank" amumu in jungle... and fail horribly cause he was just a failure >_<