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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Playing right now Nocturne. Heard that Nocturne is beast at jungle. WHich way is best to do it on him, spells/masteries/runes and summoner spells + items + which monsters to hunt first :D
Playing right now Nocturne. Heard that Nocturne is beast at jungle. WHich way is best to do it on him, spells/masteries/runes and summoner spells + items + which monsters to hunt first :D

I go 0/15/15 with him cause he is too weak when it comes to health and armor:

Defensive tree:

1/3 Resistance
3/3 Hardiness
4/4 Evasion
3/3 Harden skin
2/2 Defensive mastery
1/1 Nimbleness
1/4 Veteran's Scars

Utility tree:
3/3 Perseverence
1/1 Haste
4/4 Awareness
3/3 Meditation
1/2 Utility mastery
3/3 Quickness

In the beginning give 1 point to ur W and then do the following R>Q>E>W

I dont use any certain runes for him

Summoner spells Smite + Ghost ofc

Start with a cloth armor + 5hp > Madred's Razors > Sword of the occult if u feel like u gonna get alot of kills > Full upgrade boots ( depending on the enemy team ) > Giant's belt > Infinity edge (start with B.F sword) > Vampiric scepter > Zeal > Phantom dancer > Bloodthrister > Warmogs

And start with the 2 golems, use smite on one of them then go to Wraiths > Wolves then get full hp with ur health pots and kill big golem, make sure u use ur Q and stand on it so u get increased dmg, dont worry about smite u aint gonna need it but if its avaiable use it > Base > Lizard

Woah ! what a guide :p i wrote all i guarantee :p
Playing right now Nocturne. Heard that Nocturne is beast at jungle. WHich way is best to do it on him, spells/masteries/runes and summoner spells + items + which monsters to hunt first :D

dont listen to lolaye because that jungle path will get you killed to 99%. Nocturne is the most op champ in game right now so play him as much as u can before next patch where he gets nerfed.

I am using masteries 21/0/9 and ghost + smite (spec both smite and ghost) and start with a vampiric sceptre, start wolves (dont smite) and start with your q spell, stand on your q spell to get more attack damage. then go wraiths, smite the big blue and kill the rest and then take a point in w. after that go small golems and kill them and then recall, buy a health potion and cloth armor and kill blue golem.. from there rest is easy. then go wriggles --> berserker if not too many stuns or ap casters. else go merc treads (i go merc 90%) --> hexdrinker (yes i find this a very good item on nocturne) --> defensive item such as sunfire, banshees, randiums and from there it shud be over :p

Here are the runes i am using:

like always i dominate :]



AchTung this score u can hit with the following guide's

@Lolayes guide -> 0/21/3

@Nevalopos guide -> 21/0/10
Last edited:
Tried to jungle part style of Nevalopo and i was fucking beast in game. Final score was 22/4/13 for me XD thx
I go 0/15/15 with him cause he is too weak when it comes to health and armor:

Defensive tree:

1/3 Resistance
3/3 Hardiness
4/4 Evasion
3/3 Harden skin
2/2 Defensive mastery
1/1 Nimbleness
1/4 Veteran's Scars

Utility tree:
3/3 Perseverence
1/1 Haste
4/4 Awareness
3/3 Meditation
1/2 Utility mastery
3/3 Quickness

In the beginning give 1 point to ur W and then do the following R>Q>E>W

I dont use any certain runes for him

Summoner spells Smite + Ghost ofc

Start with a cloth armor + 5hp > Madred's Razors > Sword of the occult if u feel like u gonna get alot of kills > Full upgrade boots ( depending on the enemy team ) > Giant's belt > Infinity edge (start with B.F sword) > Vampiric scepter > Zeal > Phantom dancer > Bloodthrister > Warmogs

And start with the 2 golems, use smite on one of them then go to Wraiths > Wolves then get full hp with ur health pots and kill big golem, make sure u use ur Q and stand on it so u get increased dmg, dont worry about smite u aint gonna need it but if its avaiable use it > Base > Lizard

Woah ! what a guide :p i wrote all i guarantee :p

Buuhhhhh!!! Baddd!!! nothing worth!!!!
Tried to jungle part style of Nevalopo and i was fucking beast in game. Final score was 22/4/13 for me XD thx

I find it funny how nevalopo shares a build on mobafire and you guys applause him.

The build is basically the same, jungle patterns are exactly alike. The guide im talking about was released a few days after nocturnes release, however i have no idea where it is anymore cause people spam mobafire with terrible builds xD. Iv been told you should blue golem first, or start at double golem first but the better jungle for faster xp starts at wraiths :p. I'v also seen a technique used to clear both jungles relativly quickly but requires teleport and a ward, but i must say you can out lvl laners when you master jungling techniques. Not all junglers can clear jungle fast but a few can :p.

Btw this is @ the Hexdrinker item. I'd like to say one thing, I LOVE THAT ITEM. Its a huge ass life saver if ur playing against teemo, lux, kat, cho... or any other champ that can come around the corner and ult you for high damage, not 100% you will survive but you may perhaps take them out and make them pay for beein greedy :p
I find it funny how nevalopo shares a build on mobafire and you guys applause him.

The build is basically the same, jungle patterns are exactly alike. The guide im talking about was released a few days after nocturnes release, however i have no idea where it is anymore cause people spam mobafire with terrible builds xD. Iv been told you should blue golem first, or start at double golem first but the better jungle for faster xp starts at wraiths :p. I'v also seen a technique used to clear both jungles relativly quickly but requires teleport and a ward, but i must say you can out lvl laners when you master jungling techniques. Not all junglers can clear jungle fast but a few can :p.

Btw this is @ the Hexdrinker item. I'd like to say one thing, I LOVE THAT ITEM. Its a huge ass life saver if ur playing against teemo, lux, kat, cho... or any other champ that can come around the corner and ult you for high damage, not 100% you will survive but you may perhaps take them out and make them pay for beein greedy :p

lol?? dont really understand u think i copy paste from mobafire or what? :S dun get it?? mobafire has lots of guides but show me 1 guide that buys a hexdrinker :p most mobafire guide writers arent even level 30
Irelia Build Guide :: League of Legends Strategy Builds

And i'd like you to know one specific thing.

Just because your not level fucking 30 doesn't mean you can be pretty smart about items, builds, jungle patterns or metagame.

AND just cause your level 30 doesn't mean your a good player, period. I'v meet PLENTY of lv 30's that are TERRIBLE at the game yet they still TRY and i give them credit. I'v meet lvl 30's that build the same god damn build every fuckin game and do NOT build situational, then iv seen lv 30's try out different builds (supportive tanks, soakers, full tank, just to name a few) depending on scenarios, and they usually don't do too great but have some decent understanding that if the enemy is all AD you should build armor, if they are all AP and you build AD, your a moron. They understand that, yet some other lv 30's do NOT understand that SIMPLE concept.
You on the other hand are a descendant or follower of Hitler, criticizes others yet falls under a few categories that you disapprove of. Oh, whats that? Want me to name a few? Oh, ok.

You lost that little tournament, same with Nik~. You wrote a statement saying he lost in first round, no i did not look and examine the brackets but i can make a judgement that maybe Nik was up against a better player? I know you were because another person you played against was farming creeps. You wanted to zone the lanes but he was faster than you. You both lost, you did not make it to top 3. Thus. I do not care if you came close, unless you were in final 3. It SIMPLY DOESNT MATTER. If you lost, you simply lost. You weren't good enough. Nik could of been up against the winner, or 2nd place, hell maybe 3 placer. You could of been up against them too. If you would of lost in first few rounds you most likely wouldn't of said jack shit. Doesn't make you look good? Does it? You only want the better for yourself.

No im not raging, im just enlightening you on things your peers in RL have yet to inform you about. Depends if they play the games with you, they might know a different Nevalopo than i might.

Your also only supportive of Eu LoL. Food for thought? More of that word that starts with a disc and ends with rimination.
@up I was talking about Nocturne build but w/e..
Why do you have to make a wall of text (like this one xD) that just says "dont read me.." all the time :p be short. Ill just reply to it anyways
1: Ur right people dont have to be level 30 and some level 30s are idiots, I have a rl who always builds the exact same items no matter what and he says "naah this is good" But still, What i meant was the most mobafire guys are level 5 and they get 30/0/30 with 4 warmogs and a atmas and post it on mobafire and think they are godlike.
2: The tournament.. Nik was just plain bad because he rareley playes 1V1, I made it to place 11 before i got defeat from a very good player who had a good tactic wich i will keep in my mind next time i play tournament and yes ur right, I lost.
3: Why do u rage? Im just saying most people that arent level 30 yet dont understand the game very well, It's very easy to just buy recommended items and go 20/0/20 or just stack warmogs to be unkillable in low level because people dont know how to counter it... so everything under level 30 = meaningless in my opinion, If u score good there its meaningless because wont help you at all at higher levels.
4: Hmm, Where do you get that i am only supportive of EU LoL?
The fact that you never made a NA list of Otlanders on LoL, the fact that you only post information about Eu and never anything about NA, the fact that you have a NA acc but never talk bout it.

Basically screams "Eu thread".

Also, as i stated previously.. its not rage, its information. And yea, people post builds on Mobafire thinking they are godlike with a ton of warmogs as a soaker. Every game is situational and everybody may play a champ somewhat differently than others. Its all in the playstyle and i'v stated this on my Kassadin, Kayle, Teemo, Malphite and Amumu guides on Mobafire. My results will most likely vary because i am experienced in the champions more than the average joe. Also the playstyle i use suets the results. Example: Malphite, I get a lot of kills on him and im very aggressive so i pick up tons of assists, kills, and very few deaths. Teemo on the other hand i pick up either A) a shitloada kills or B) shitloada assists. Usually deaths are insanely minimal (0-3 in most cases). its all in the persons playstyle, not the build.
The fact that you never made a NA list of Otlanders on LoL, the fact that you only post information about Eu and never anything about NA, the fact that you have a NA acc but never talk bout it.

Basically screams "Eu thread".

Also, as i stated previously.. its not rage, its information. And yea, people post builds on Mobafire thinking they are godlike with a ton of warmogs as a soaker. Every game is situational and everybody may play a champ somewhat differently than others. Its all in the playstyle and i'v stated this on my Kassadin, Kayle, Teemo, Malphite and Amumu guides on Mobafire. My results will most likely vary because i am experienced in the champions more than the average joe. Also the playstyle i use suets the results. Example: Malphite, I get a lot of kills on him and im very aggressive so i pick up tons of assists, kills, and very few deaths. Teemo on the other hand i pick up either A) a shitloada kills or B) shitloada assists. Usually deaths are insanely minimal (0-3 in most cases). its all in the persons playstyle, not the build.

Well, I post information from EU because i play EU, and 95% here does aswell. Feel free to post information that concerns NA players, I won't. Also that its more Competetive on EU and players are also better on EU. I could guarantee you i could go US and get 15 kills every single match as any champ any day. And the reason i dont have a list of all otland players is because i recently edited the first post and by mistake took away the otland member list and i dont know who plays on NA or EU. And why would i talk about my NA account? I don't player there.
Nevalopo just because you like EU server better doesn't mean its the best, I play NA and sure, theres some feeders/bad players, but I've encountered lots of highly skilled players aswell, please don't talk bad crap about NA if you don't play it oftenly, because I can easily go to EU and find alot of bad people and talk about it instead of talkimng about the good people.
Your basically saying NA players are terrible. Thanks. I thought i was pretty good but apparently people in NA are crap compared to Europeans in both education and ability to play a game. Not to mention that i lagg on European server so why would i play there? There are two servers. I play the one that is playable and you say its terrible =/. Don't mind me and respond with another post saying opposite of what you previously stated.

dont forget to join my US thread of League of Legends, its pretty user friendly :p
Your basically saying NA players are terrible. Thanks. I thought i was pretty good but apparently people in NA are crap compared to Europeans in both education and ability to play a game. Not to mention that i lagg on European server so why would i play there? There are two servers. I play the one that is playable and you say its terrible =/. Don't mind me and respond with another post saying opposite of what you previously stated.

dont forget to join my US thread of League of Legends, its pretty user friendly :p

^^ Go ahead with ur own thread :p Just don't see the reason... I post patch notes both for eu and na servers and im playing EU because i lagg on US.

And prest i dont say NA is crap but the majority is low-skilled at US. There are good players on NA aswell but they are not as many as EU :p

But if u want to split it into 2 diffrent (1 for eu and 1 for us) thats fine with me i dont care :p As long as u dont jump in here every 10 min and spam GO OTHER THEAD! THIS THREAD NUB etc :p

Edit: Please lets not talk about this anymore in this thread and talk more about LoL please :) PM me if u wanna argue or w/e...
^^ Go ahead with ur own thread :p Just don't see the reason... I post patch notes both for eu and na servers and im playing EU because i lagg on US.

And prest i dont say NA is crap but the majority is low-skilled at US. There are good players on NA aswell but they are not as many as EU :p

But if u want to split it into 2 diffrent (1 for eu and 1 for us) thats fine with me i dont care :p As long as u dont jump in here every 10 min and spam GO OTHER THEAD! THIS THREAD NUB etc :p

Edit: Please lets not talk about this anymore in this thread and talk more about LoL please :) PM me if u wanna argue or w/e...

20$ bucks you're a moderator in LoL, enough said ye ye
Champion Sneak Peek: Lee Sin, the Blind Monk

Last year, around this time, we were forced to say our goodbyes to a loved and cherished friend, taken from us so tragically and so senselessly before his time. On April 1st 2010, we bid farewell to Urf the Manatee. It was a trying time for all of us all, and many came forward to pour their hearts out and memorialize this noble prince among Sea Cows.

If there’s anything that the death of Urf the Manatee has taught us, it’s that people deal with grief in different ways. For instance, take this gentleman here. Lee Sin was so shaken up that he actually ran off and joined a monastery. Now he’s Lee Sin the Blind Monk. Hey, what do you mean you’ve seen him before?

Sorry to say to all but, Lee, The Blind Monk has been around since beta and has never been available, It's used a spectator mode atm.

This is Aprils Fools joke.. A sad one :(