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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Hey guys can you say me a 6.3k champion that worths it? I want to see your comments in what champ I should spend my 6.3k IP except Malzahar.
Yes that's true... There can be a feeder in your team with 30 deaths and your team it's supposed to be 4 vs 5 because a feeder and the team with the feeder win, how is that possible? They manage good and play as a good team work.




Will he have mana? Heats? Danger zone? Woot!
wtf wich champion is that???

I found out that trynd isnt bad at all on 3v3 and i can win solo 1 vs 3 with trynd since i found epic build. Anyone here play 3v3? I need some guys for 3v3 ranked. (U need knowledge that mundo is best, singed is second)

I found out that trynd isnt bad at all on 3v3 and i can win solo 1 vs 3 with trynd since i found epic build. Anyone here play 3v3? I need some guys for 3v3 ranked. (U need knowledge that mundo is best, singed is second)

Sure I can join

Uhmm knowledge ill type here fast (not sure about Lee Sin, Renekton tho)

Tier 1 (Best) 3v3 : Mundo, Olaf, Tryndamere, Singed, Sion, Rammus, Mordekaiser, Jarvan IV, Jax, Master Yi, Poppy, Udyr.

Tier 2 (Good) 3v3 : Alistar, Anivia, Galio, Garen, Gragas, Kassadin, Malphite, Nidalee, Nocturne, Shaco, Taric, Xin Zhao, Janna, Urgot.

Tier 3 (Not so good) 3v3 : Amumu, Katarina, Ryze, Tristana, Pantheon, Teemo, Warwick.

Rest. useless

Well thats what I think :) (might forgot some champ)

I found out that trynd isnt bad at all on 3v3 and i can win solo 1 vs 3 with trynd since i found epic build. Anyone here play 3v3? I need some guys for 3v3 ranked. (U need knowledge that mundo is best, singed is second)

I play 3 v3 but not lvl 30 yet,

Jax can second if you built stack
Sure I can join

Uhmm knowledge ill type here fast (not sure about Lee Sin, Renekton tho)

Tier 1 (Best) 3v3 : Mundo, Olaf, Tryndamere, Singed, Sion, Rammus, Mordekaiser, Jarvan IV, Jax, Master Yi, Poppy, Udyr.

Tier 2 (Good) 3v3 : Alistar, Anivia, Galio, Garen, Gragas, Kassadin, Malphite, Nidalee, Nocturne, Shaco, Taric, Xin Zhao, Janna, Urgot.

Tier 3 (Not so good) 3v3 : Amumu, Katarina, Ryze, Tristana, Pantheon, Teemo, Warwick.

Rest. useless

Well thats what I think :) (might forgot some champ)

please do me a favor and dont do any stupid list what is totally useless.
the point what proof it me is that u add warwick and teemo and katarina into 'not so good"


ps-> is teemo time limited (skin)?
Here is tier list for 3v3...

Tier Lists:

Tier 1/Dr.Fundo, PHD in fun Tier: Dr.Mundo

Tier 2/SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE Tier: Singed

Tier 3: Nunu, Gragas, Mordekaiser,Pantheon, Sona, Xin Zhao, Annie, Leblanc, Kennen, Nidalee, Corki, Urgot, Miss Fortune, Zilean, Cho'gath

Tier 4: Akali, Irelia, Shaco, Teemo, Poppy, Olaf, Anivia, Swain, Udyr, Warwick, Janna, Ashe, Morganna, Heimer, Sion, Kassadin, Shen, Galio, Rammus

Tier 5: Garen, Jax, Taric, Tryndamere, Ezreal, Trist, Twitch, Malzahar, Katarina, Vladimir,Amumu, Malphite, Ryze, Master Yi

Tier Fail: All the champion that didn't come to mind when making this tier list since they're probably irrelevant or they're new and I didn't want to throw away IP on another Urgot so I have no idea what they do.

Tier List Explanation:

Tier 1 Explanation: Mundo just stomps almost all high tiers and does 300/400/500/600/700 to the lizard and dragon camps at a cooldown less than 4 seconds.

Tier 2 Explanation: Singed used to share this tier with Garen but thanks to buffs on singed and nerfs (the immunity to slow one) to Garen, only Mundo stops this druggy because Winners don't do drugs, unless they have a PHD in fun.

Tier 3 Explanation: These characters (barring a counter pick from below tiers) will often handily stomp the tiers below because they either have something that is required for the map or are just flat out better. For instance Annie absolutely crushes about every champion in the tier below this one. Just for extra clarification, this is almost basically like tier 1 (must haves) as tier 1 and 2 only have 1 champion each meaning, optimal picks/bans will have several champions from this tier.

Tier 4 Explanation: These guys are viable and can be used to either fill a role that is needed or counter something (Morg for say Nid).

Tier 5 Explanation: Getting closer to the abyss of fail, these guys either require farm, can't farm, or simply have bad skillsets and are outclassed severely by the first 3 tiers. Like why take Jax/Olaf over Xin Zhao.

Tier Fail Explanation: Unless someone points out something I missed, basically everything in this tier is probably useless for this map unless you're doing some innovative gimmick strat (that'll likely fail) as they won't stand a chance vs the cookie cutter champion comps. The key word to remember in this tier is FAIL so avoid these champions like you would a solo queuer Teemo player.

Some reasoning about the champs in high tiers:

Mundo: Everyone should know the obvious about Mundo in TT, it is EXTREMELY hard to kill him without a significant number of anti heals. Even with them, he's still running away at an absurd speed and throwing away your CC like it was nothing. His skillset is perfect for close range fights as it's brute force which isn't that usable in SR (because everyone he wants to kill has cover in front), as it's pure power is stronger than most skills in the game. For instance, his Masochism gives him 100 base damage and 1+ dmg per 1% health missing. Those numbers are simply absurd, Sion receives one at around 60 damage, Nasus has one on cooldown every 4 seconds at only 110+bonus damage but Mundo can easily lower the cooldown short enough to have virtually no downtime. Ironically, cleaver happens to absolutely crush the tanky champions that dominate this map, which means you should NEVER give Mundo to any team as even if you get Singed, a 4 second massive nuke slow is going to make him fairly useless. And these skills are not even factoring in items, they're simply extremely strong in base form.

Now that the obvious is out of the way, Mundo's 2nd strength is the effect of cleaver on minions, namely lizard and dragon. At the first level, it'll do 300 damage (less if the lizard is near death) on a 4 second cooldown. Each level after that will add 100 more damage until it reaches 700 damage. Basically dragon/liz will die within seconds when combined with a smite as no other champion can come close to this killing power unless they're absurdly farmed.

Singed: Imagine if Morde just needed to walk around to obliterate an entire team and had some CC/throw move. Basically Singed is Morde on steroids, everything he does is an upgrade from Morde and since Morde himself is a great champion, it just makes Singed near god tier. The strategy I pull constantly with Singed is this: gas wave in bursts (to save mana), once you get all the lasthits and your wave is shoving towards the enemy, run towards one of the weak camps (mid/top side) and gas those too. By the time that camp dies, the wave will eventually be moving back towards you and you can repeat the process and do a different camp. Aside from having 2 or more champions in the lane, there is almost nothing they can do to stop this as unless they're Mordekaiser, they can't kill the wave as effortlessly as Singed can from level 1-9. Doing this trick over and over will skyrocket Singed's CS to the point he'll easily have 50%+ more farm than the next person which means he'll simply obliterate anything (except Mundo). Despite seeming weak, Gas is an extremely high DPS spell at it's base stats (though I get one rod then just tank items) and will easily outdps the enemy (who will often be melee) as they constantly have to move back into position to get a hit on Singed who is constantly tossing/gasing them in his ult. For these reasons, Singed deserves his own tier.

Nunu: Basically a lite version of Mundo, Nunu's spammable slow absolutely crushes the melee on this map, and considering most of the high tier champions are in fact melee, this alone nearly takes him to the top. However add in THE strongest jungling on this map and you have a tier 1 champion. Simply put, not only does Nunu finish camps fast with lots of health, he moves between them fast, can stop any 1 man gank on him and is fairly durable. Supportwise, lust is fantastic for the person taking the DPSer (say mundo/kennen/nidalee/mf) as if gives them more speed to get to vital camps and kill them before the enemy even gets close. Someone asked what does Nunu do if theres a singed/morde on his team taking creeps, he essentially either takes the opposing creeps with his consume/smite or make the opposing jungler pay as only Xin is a real threat early in the jungle as Nunu runs fast and can spam slows while stealing creeps from 500+ hp.

Mordekaiser: Most people already consider Mordekaiser to be a machine on this map, he follows the exact strategy Singed does (at least past level 2) and simply obliterates wave after wave of creeps taking no hp or mana hit since he doesn't use any. Upon wasting the wave and having the opponent watch helpless as it shoves to tower (unless it's SInged) as they don't have free spells, Mordekaiser can destroy a small neutral camp then run right back to lane before it even reaches his creeps. Add in the fact Mordekaiser tanks like a machine with such farm and it's easy to see why he's high up, however his ult is drastically weaker in TT as there usually isn't a killable (one that doesn't run super fast) squishy DPS around to get the spirit. Add in a complete lack of CC and that's the main reason why Singed is superior.

Pantheon: A while ago when Pantheon was super early game, my team ran him and found him to be dominating at level 1 with janna shield using HSS but he became a joke later on as it didn't scale at all. However for some strange reason, god mode HSS is back despite high elo constantly banning him, and Pantheon will destroy people every 10 seconds in a AOE. I think of this Pantheon version as a Twitch, if you're slowed or out of position just ONCE in a fight, you will die horribly. If you ignore Pantheon just once in a fight, you will die horribly. Simply put, it just isn't possible to constantly walk out/stop HSS from hitting you as his allies will likely be throwing CC down (or Pan can stun one himself) and soaking up some stuns. Basically Pantheon has become a more melee ranged Annie on this map but deals huge damage every 10 seconds.

Sona: What annoys melee the most aside from spamming slows? Someone walking around like a Singed dealing damage while having the enemy melee waste time trying to get in range over and over. Add in crazy auras and damage/healing and suddenly it gets very annoying to face a Sona with a melee team. Despite repeated nerfs, I still think Sona is that champ whose skillset offers an absurd amount of value in terms of the auras alone, adding in the super 2 auto target heals and damage, she is highly valuable on the map. That said, despite crushing most of the melee on this map, she is fairly worthless against ranged champions as Sona is the squishiest (MF a close 2nd) champion in the top 3 tiers as if she faces a burst champion like Annie or Akali, she'll easily be crushed. Also similar to other squishy champions on this list, a few key disables goes a long way as she could be dead before she can even click R.

Xin Zhao: Xin repesents good design unlike most of the melee champions and it's a huge part of why he's useful on SR as well as TT. Unlike say Jax, Xin's skillset is actually useful if not better than some of the ranged DPS (who shouldn't have good range and better skillsets than melee but do anyway) as he actually gets high damage and good CC which is reliable unlike Tryn/Jax. If I had to pick the 2nd best jungler for this map (factoring speed/safety), Xin would probably be it. Ganking the jungler while jungling on Xin is significantly easier as Xin's skillset is actually very strong early game as it gives him a jump which slows and a knockup. Add in attackspeed boosts and healing on hits, and suddenly 1v1 a Xin in the jungle is a very bad idea for almost every champ (Nunu included). His only flaw would be that like Olaf, he'll probably be running low on mana or won't have anything to stop say Nunu from just walking up and consuming a creep as Nunu can match his slow and outrun him. That aside, Xin is basically a burster/DPS hybrid as his ultimate is one of the strongest all game and is effectively like dropping Tibbers on a enemy group which is highly valuable early game.

Annie: The reason for Annie not being played as much in SR isn't because she is bad but because the champions picked have been changed to ones where Annie isn't as effective against such as ranged+support comps. However in TT, despite being dominated by tanks, her usefulness lies in completely dominating the early game farm champions as there is simply no way to avoid fights unless you simply give away every single liz/dragon past level 6. Not to mention Annie has the shortest CD of any aoe stun in the game, she can easily perform 3 within 12 or so seconds, which is highly deadly against melee who are forced to waste time walking towards the target over and over tank or not. And if a team picks a squishy, Annie instantly becomes the favored choice over say Akali as Akali has little CC and is forced to have an ally perform a disable (say WW) to get a fast kill while Annie simply needs to get undisabled to press R/W/Q to of done enough to a squishy. And despite being a caster, Annie with rod of ages is easily one of the harder to kill casters as she'll constantly be stunning champions around her to prolong her life.

Leblanc: Now unlike most of the champions here, I've gone out on a limb and said Leblanc is easily tier 3 (1 if you ignore the 2 lame tiers above) despite having not as much experience with her compared to the others in this tier. Simply put, like Annie, she is a huge threat at level 6 and early game where it is critical to do damage hard and fast. Sure she scales horrifically, but considering most of my games hardly hit the 25 minute mark, it's usually safe to say she can gain the lead needed to put the game in the bag. However I will note that her efficiency is greatly reduced against a pure tank team such as garen/gragas/morde as there isn't really many targets she can burst down but rather help instant kill one of them in a combo. However if there is a champion that isn't one of the above or mundo/singed, it is highly likely they'll get murdered unless they're building a tank build. Add in a long silence, a blink, slow/bind having nice bases, she is very strong early when needed.

Kennen: Kennen represents the other style of play on this map which is speed. If a team picks a bunch of melee without any decent ranged, champions like Kennen will easily lay waste to them as he'll stun teams over and over while maintaining a good distance thanks to his lightning rush. Not only is Kennen great for the laning phase, he's also highly valuable at being mobile enough to swap from bottom lane to say dragon as he'll easily outrun everything but blinkers on 5 second cooldowns. For fights, his skillset is dominating against melee and straglers as they'll be stunned extremely often and will find it hard to fight back against Kennen as he'll probably outrun them or stun them if they try.

Nidalee: The rule of thumb with Nidalee is if your opponent is running a team with limited slows/disables, Nidalee is easily the best possible pick. For instance against a Mordekaiser, Nidalee can simply jump on him to do tremendous burst, then simply leap away (or run in a brush) and heal/spear then repeat the process. This is devastating because nobody can DPS like this every few seconds (as Nid runs out of range) and come back near full HP to do another even more damaging combo. If CC from Nunu/Mundo/Morg etc wasn't present, Nidalee would easily be one of the strongest champions (probably Singed tier) on this map as nobody can catch her as she proceeds to do heavy DPS at level 6 every few seconds.
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Fuck Riot crashed our rank game... I was playing with a friend 1500+ ELo and game servers crashed and now canceled the match ... AFFFFF! noway.
cho gath are the best tank i have plaed with no one can kill him if you have skills like me

yeh but u cant do anything to help team :p all u do is silence and soak. u cant save ur allies like shen or rammus. But yeah he is a good tank and can easy climb with him only up to 1700 elo.

@3V3 Guys, Who here wanna play 3v3 Ranked?