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[League of Legends] General Discussion

fawking mamas boy

ye ye, anyways apperantly I have been banned by this tard in irc because i spamme FNATICS WON EAT SHIT

There you go

Dreamhack were awesome, tryed Battlefield 3 and some other shitz, gonna be there every year :)
Xpeke is the spanish, hes Kaka'. Football player lol
Fnatic Won. 2 europeans in the final. aawwwwwww yea.
lol renton u got any information on this?:

Evelynn nerf: 20% slow instead of stun upon breaking stealth.

It's good nerf, evelynn is op
they make it because evelynn is not counterable, u get stun and ur dead before the stun ends
I dont find eve op :/ bad nerf I'd say :( now she will be totally useless 0,o

@Snach, lol they probably nerf her cause of noobs like u QQing on forums instead of buying oracle elixir/vision wards <,>
I dont find eve op :/ bad nerf I'd say :( now she will be totally useless 0,o

@Snach, lol they probably nerf her cause of noobs like u QQing on forums instead of buying oracle elixir/vision wards <,>

That's what they said on the stream u fart sniffing cocknose. She is uncounterable IF she gets the stun, which is not hard even with oracle
LulzSec: The Lulz Boat
Seems the glorious leader of LulzSec got arrested, it's all over now... wait... we're all still here! Which poor bastard did they take down?

So sad :( Some random guy got arrested :p


More or less some patch notes;


o untargettable by spells eg. Lee Sin 'Safeguard', Blitzcrank 'Rocket Grab', Rammus 'Powerball'

Champion Exp/ Gold
o More exp gained
o Exp gained inversely proportional to levels eg. lvl 16 kills lvl 11, less exp gained. lvl 11 kills lvl 16, more exp gained. Counteract snowballing
o Max gold gained from killing spree champions, MAX - 500g Bonus. Stops quick reverse of games.

Gold Per 5
o All Gold Per 5 Items are now UNIQUE, still stackable but only 1 passive PER item

o Now affects lifesteal/ spellvamp heals

o Now grant assists on hit
o Able to lifesteal/ spellvamp off shields
o Shields don't block 'on hit' eg. Miss Fortune's Passive, Boots of Mobility will get 'slower' on hit


o The Equalizer (Ultimate)
- Cooldown increased
- AP Ratios on hit + damage over time reduced

o Tumble
- Lowering % scale ( 15% reduced at level 5 )
o Condemn
- Base damage reduced
o Final Hour (Ultimate)
- Bonus attack damage lowered

o Transfusion
- Increased early rank damage, decreased late rank damage
- Cooldown increased by 1

Jarvan IV
o Martial Cadence (Passive)
- 10% of current hp on hit reduced to 8%
o Demacian Standard
- Bonus armour and attack speed gained per level decreased from 10/14/18/22/26 to 10/13/16/19/22

o Shadow Walk
- No longer stuns on next target or damage ability
- Now slows target for 3 seconds, increasing % per level

o Grog Soaked Blade (Passive)
- Now applies additional stacks (up to 3 times) of slow 10% and damage per stack
- Duration reduced from 10 to 3 seconds
- 'Remake' mentioned, not sure if healing debuff persists

o Dark Wind
- increased damage per rank from 65/85/105/125/145 to 70/95/120/145/170 (+5/10/15/20/25 per rank)
o Crowstorm
- AP ratio increased from 0.4 to 0.5
- Channel duration reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds
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