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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Check those stats :
Yeh I noticed how my IP grew. It's because they added PI to those players that bought champions that are now reduced for example Annie, Garen, and so on.
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troolol, me and my team r against fnatic now !! :XX instalose plxx

ediT: ye instalose, our leader had technical issues for years -.-, so we invited random dude to play solo top, guess what? xD, ye 0/10 huehue.. well we just trolled around: DD
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Just a quadra V


On September 20, 2011, we will be performing scheduled database maintenance starting at 02:00 UK time. The maintenance should last approximately 6 hours long. During this downtime, we will continue to upgrade our databases in preparation for League of Legends: Dominion.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. Enjoy a night’s rest from the Fields of Justice and see you online following the maintenance!

Source: Scheduled Database Maintenance Part 2 - League of Legends Community
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"few weeks after PAX" = a few months?
Recent game, just had to make this video
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL almost fell off my chair
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