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[League of Legends] General Discussion


Forgot my old acc name and password, so I made a new account, playing with a rl anyway.
I guess its going to be legendary skin for him idk, look at the new kog maw skin and singed skins:D
Any1 wanna duo queue up some elo? some1 thats good seriously =P

Fuck dat olaf took mah penta on mah first ranked :/
Iam looking for a free account on us 28+ level with no rankeds played if anyone has and could give me I would be really happy :eek:? Pm Me
@up n1

played a game xin was like ad vs ad 1 hour was really fun but was a normal tho

Nevalopo you got any good build i can use on Riven? Been searching and cant find anyone that fits her-.-