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[League of Legends] General Discussion

wtf !LOL.jpg
logged in after the lastest patch ..

Edit: the pic came out small -.- but u can still see the wins and losses
Just played that new champ, the one with the ball...

Shes good in late game, early game she sucks..

40min queue on EU-W and ranked is fked up, North America got dominion and it looks pretty nice:D
40min queue on EU-W and ranked is fked up, North America got dominion and it looks pretty nice:D
im over 9000 on the login queue, i cant understand why there is such a long queue..

dominion is shit, dont be fooled.
Eu West = Full of people that dont reside at West from Europe.
... That's all. There are more players that are not from West playing there than people that is from WEst-
jay jay
