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[League of Legends] General Discussion

a good day starts from farming little ips on easy bots :3 bought cho with ip's and now im broke :D

I feel like flipping the bird to the ones who say ocelote sucks because those games were pretty much all him carrying.
I feel like flipping the bird to the ones who say ocelote sucks because those games were pretty much all him carrying.

Ocelote did well but its Kev1n who is carrying SK all the time. They guarded his Orianna so well they couldnt even reach her.
I found this old picture laying around on my desk.


We played 4-5 games like this, all won. tank team so op ^_^ (I'm lol idjot)
I love this fcking elo hell
10min 12-0 and on champion pick 2 guy was premade and was gonna TROLL if they dont get jungle and mid so we let them go where they wanted WHY I JUST DIDTN LEAVE ON CHAMP PICK KURWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Ceejzor im playing cho gath since 2 weeks or so, bought it on nordic (now im on eu west) when it wasnt hes free week and now just continue owning ;3

btw full ap bulid > all

My ap bulid is:
hourglass, deathcap, sorcerers boots, abyssal scepter, rylai's scepter, void staff.

Early game:
magic crystal(+200 mana)->catalyst the protector
sorcerer's boots

Mid game:
abyssal scepter
rylai's scepter

late game:
void staff

Stats after finished bulid:
460+ ap
50 def
57 magic def
30%+ to skills power
20 magic def reduction
20 magic damage penetration
40% magic damage penetration
500 hp
active skill statis (unkillable for 2 sec, also unmoveable)

After reaching 18 lvl you can sell catalyst the protector, i buy it only due to that 250 hp and 200 mana regen on lvl up so it's kind of useless leater when you got your hp feasted much so by selling it you get additional money that can be used to finish off bulid :3

Skill lane:
rupture 2lv 4lv 8lv 10lv 14lv 16lv
fereal scream 1lv 3lv 7lv 9lv 13lv
spikes 5lv 11lv 15 lv 17lv
feast 6lv 12lv 18lv

Why scream first? Cho got very low mana on beggining and nullyfing it is very easy so i pick scream that has very little diffrence of dmg to rupture but costs 20 mana less, also it has nice range to either silence heroes and farm creeps in same time.

Bulid is fully made by me.
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