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[League of Legends] General Discussion

I feel like flipping the bird to the ones who say ocelote sucks because those games were pretty much all him carrying.

Lemme tell you, ocelote is kind of nice with his team (sometimes not)

in solo queue, hes a true terror, I cried everytime I got him in my team before.
Lemme tell you, ocelote is kind of nice with his team (sometimes not)

in solo queue, hes a true terror, I cried everytime I got him in my team before.

I've heard him rage really hard. You're at 2k elo? ^^
He don't rage, he feeds xD

Umm yeah before permbann ;p

Ahh that sucks :/.
So are you still mailing riot or did you decide to start over?
The least they can do is atleast transfer your champs etc to a new account if you have any
Ocelote MVP. Triple kill at dragon, they respawn and triple kill at nashor.
GG x2 triple kills after enemy respawning.
Ahh that sucks :/.
So are you still mailing riot or did you decide to start over?
The least they can do is atleast transfer your champs etc to a new account if you have any

i had all champs, 70+ skins (many u cant obtain anymore), 17 runepages, all runes and 40k ip over, they dont wanna transfer anything and they refuse to unbann me T_T
i had all champs, 70+ skins (many u cant obtain anymore), 17 runepages, all runes and 40k ip over, they dont wanna transfer anything and they refuse to unbann me T_T

That's really gay. I feel bad for you man...

CLG.EU 1 - 0 FnaticRC
That's really gay. I feel bad for you man...

CLG.EU 1 - 0 FnaticRC

Well, yeah :/ I think they should give me a second chance but they dont wanna xDD (i stopped flame, ignore function ftw \o/)

But my brother quitted on LoL, he had like 170W and 190~L at 1k elo, so im fixing it up.. but he got the champs i dislike xD at 1623 elo atm xD
niko what did you do that you lost so much?

Flaming abit~

Also I checked why I got banned,

One of the games where i was "guilty"... a guy flamed me and his premade, and I flamed back a little bit, nothing compared to them > They both reported me (2 teammates reported me, saying "he flame me and my premade")

Riot didnt even take their time to read the chat prolly, cuz they flamed the crap outta me, but w.e ever since tribunal came out, its fucked up, many good players got banned

Corrupted nigger shit they dont even read the cases just press punish
My first Pentakill :$



PS: Gogo SK