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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Na it dont sound wrong thought of that too, but Ill keep my marks as Magic Pen ^^, ty,

magic pen marks
flat hp quints (or per level, but you're very weak early game till u get rylais etc.)
seals + glyphs Ap per level

please note I have no clue if this suits akali. just my quick thought.

e: you can also get runes+masteries to activate both masteries at level 1. (requires you buy 1 item ingame when spawning aswell)
magic pen marks
flat hp quints (or per level, but you're very weak early game till u get rylais etc.)
seals + glyphs Ap per level

please note I have no clue if this suits akali. just my quick thought.

e: you can also get runes+masteries to activate both masteries at level 1. (requires you buy 1 item ingame when spawning aswell)

Akali doesnt need survival, She needs burst damage. All you really do with akali is get alot of creep kills.. save up for rylias and let the nuking begin ^^ You jump in do ur combo and they drop dead.
Akali doesnt need survival, She needs burst damage. All you really do with akali is get alot of creep kills.. save up for rylias and let the nuking begin ^^ You jump in do ur combo and they drop dead.

akali def. needs survival if you're against a team who knows how to counter her.
akali is sort of (not completely) an anti carry, which is why she's top tier in 3v3. Tanks protecting carries > she burst in > carry drops dead > she stealths away.

Just bought Kayle , Couldn't Resist shes one of my favorites xD
lol, imo playing Ashe is easiest xD Support dps ranged user, epic. I have solod so many champs just using her ice arrows, 8 mana a shot but damn well worth it.
akali def. needs survival if you're against a team who knows how to counter her.
akali is sort of (not completely) an anti carry, which is why she's top tier in 3v3. Tanks protecting carries > she burst in > carry drops dead > she stealths away.

Not really, Akali is my main and i know how to play her perfectly. Trust me when i say she does not need survival. and dont say im not agianst a team who cant counter her.. I have 600+ wins and i play her pretty often ^^
3300 IP, what champ to buy D:?

if you dont have full rune pages then dont buy anything.. Also.. Even when you buy a champ.. Make sure you love him first, Like if you wanna buy garen.. Try him 20 games first and see if u like him ^^ Then buy him.. And buy the runes for him aswell (either crit chance or tank runes)
Yeah asking another ppl what shall i buy is kinda retarded, test all champs the one you like buy
Not really, Akali is my main and i know how to play her perfectly. Trust me when i say she does not need survival. and dont say im not agianst a team who cant counter her.. I have 600+ wins and i play her pretty often ^^

if nobody can counter an akali at high elo then players of this game is by far bad.
try going against someone at 1600+ elo, if not less. your akali won't stand a chance without more survivability.

only adding damage will not help - a balance between magic resist, armor, health, physical damage, magic damage & true damage is needed.

i hate that my win list is shorter than losses :( i got 70~ wins and 90 losses xD

I see people who keep instant locking in - this is bad.
if you wish to win, look what type of team you have & choose what it needs.

you can also pick anti carrys / carrys - they are game changing.
if nobody can counter an akali at high elo then players of this game is by far bad.
try going against someone at 1600+ elo, if not less. your akali won't stand a chance without more survivability.

only adding damage will not help - a balance between magic resist, armor, health, physical damage, magic damage & true damage is needed.

I see people who keep instant locking in - this is bad.
if you wish to win, look what type of team you have & choose what it needs.

you can also pick anti carrys / carrys - they are game changing.

Havent fought anyone wiht 1600+ elo since iv only been playing agianst 1.4 - 1.5k guys but they havent been able to counter yet.. Sure im having a hard time agianst guys like rammus etc but the carrys, supports, etc cant counter me... Sure they buy Oracles etc but i call out ganks then
Havent fought anyone wiht 1600+ elo since iv only been playing agianst 1.4 - 1.5k guys but they havent been able to counter yet.. Sure im having a hard time agianst guys like rammus etc but the carrys, supports, etc cant counter me... Sure they buy Oracles etc but i call out ganks then

you've been lucky then^^
at high elo akali is considered as a low/medium tier, as she's very easy to counter if you focus her.