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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Thanks for the advices, i will use them next match :D

Do you think i shall try Rammus?

Could anyone explain what AP and BF is?

AP = Ability Power
BF = B.F Sword (1850G Item giving AD [Attack damage])

Try Rammus if You want :p
Yes Lolaye try it.
AP = Ability Power (The spells have it, magic damage means AP and AP means your ability power) Example: The big wand of 1600 cost. It givs you +80 AP
+ 80 Ability power and your spells will do X damage + AP so example of Ashe with his big arrow spell at 3.
600 + Ap would be 600 + 80 total dmg she does using that spell 680.

Ap is just for the mages.
And BF I dot know what it is.
Yes Lolaye try it.
AP = Ability Power (The spells have it, magic damage means AP and AP means your ability power) Example: The big wand of 1600 cost. It givs you +80 AP
+ 80 Ability power and your spells will do X damage + AP so example of Ashe with his big arrow spell at 3.
600 + Ap would be 600 + 80 total dmg she does using that spell 680.

Ap is just for the mages.
And BF I dot know what it is.

BF is the Item Giving 50 AD (B.F Sword) :p You dont use English Client so u donno xD
Hey guys , anyone has recommendations or tips for Kog?
I played just few .. like 4-5 games with him , and pretty much have been owning badly, I've read some tutorials on leaguecraft too..

What do you recommend AP or AD/DPS kog?
Im playing AD atm and im really satisfied with the results , cant try out the AP atm , but if anyone has experience tell me [and yea i hit 75%+ of the times with his ulti , depends if playing against noobs lol)
I tried Rammus out, and he simply rocks! pretty good, i dominated 3 people in a row with defense curl, if ill get enough money, i might buy him after i purchase shaco..

Currently 2100 IP, 1400 to go :D
I tried Rammus out, and he simply rocks! pretty good, i dominated 3 people in a row with defense curl, if ill get enough money, i might buy him after i purchase shaco..

Currently 2100 IP, 1400 to go :D

It's 3150 IP not 3500 IP so its 1050 IP to go XD
I voted Mordekaiser... With the latest patch he just cleans a lane in 0 secs and owns the torret with his "invisible" shield. -.-!!
And amazed with Sona... Sona OP? ROFL! She's not so good.
Op = Overpowered for those who dont know.
I voted Mordekaiser... With the latest patch he just cleans a lane in 0 secs and owns the torret with his "invisible" shield. -.-!!
And amazed with Sona... Sona OP? ROFL! She's not so good.
Op = Overpowered for those who dont know.

Sona is not so good?

oh my god!

Sona is one of the best champions out there, much better than mordekaiser :')
you've been playing against really bad sona's then lol. Sona HAS to be ganked by like 2 people lategame, they gotta have stuns or paralyzes too and be able to hit REALLY fast to be able to drop her... i couldnt kill a lv 18 sona with akali even with lichbane+ tons of other AP items and landing 1.1k combo with Q i couldnt drop her... heald too much xD then shen used ult on her, used his dash bogus stuff on me and their ryze came outa nowhere and stund me then nuked me... gotta love shen???? =/
All heroes are op if fed more than the ones facing them .. Once there is a pretty balance , its all up to the tactic and the team. I play lol for .. idk 3-4 months, and by far I have played and seen many various heroes being fed as f**k.
Only one who I ever called OP when fed a bit was Master Yi (especially pissed off when u collect 6k ip for ur epic champ and he comes with 450 ip champ and slices u like a tomato)..
and shaco, in old days, today he's barely worth playing kinda

SONA - u gotta be kidding me , she dies in less than 2 secs in a serious gank.. In a not so serious gank... she still dies in 2 seconds :'DD (at least that's what i've witnessed lot of times o.o .. haven't played ranked yet tho so idk..)

Vladimir and Mordekaiser are by far some serious business to face in lane.
Also .. one more gotta-hate situation...
U come chillin' with your pimp twisted hate and ur like fuck yeah , minions have spawned , and when they come, that f**king brain heimerdinger shows up , puts a turret and pushes the living f**k out of your lane..

ps.. this is just mine opinion :p
Heim is great for early/middle game but lategame, hes easy to kill, especially if u assassinate him lol. I playd against a Heim other day with akali. He killd me twice, once early game and once endgame, reason he killd me endgame is cuz he got final hit lol. If he is up against really bad players then yea hes really good endgame but tbh hes really easy to kill :p
imo leblanc's ability to "teleport" to a certain area needs to be changed slightly... its 100% safe turret diving -.-