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NPC [Module] Advanced BuyContainer

[27/03/2008 05:49:21] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[27/03/2008 05:49:21] data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:onLogin

[27/03/2008 05:49:21] data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:12: LuaSQL: Error executing query. MySQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CM Throy''' at line 1

This is not buyContainer error but login.lua, you have a problem with your luaSql connection on line 12.
u can find it in data\npc\lib\npcsystem
if u are using TFS otherwise i don't know. i only use TFS
Please someone put out thier modules- and global.lua on speedyshare or something. That would be great and you will earn a rep+ haha ?
Im new at this part of OT. :)

using TFS-0.3 rev.815

Today i'm going to start with remaiking my advanced buycontainer.

I'll remove all bugs and make it work for the newest TFS.
I will add cap check/slot check so players cant buy to mutch.
It Didnt work for me. I didnt have function doPlayerBuyItem(cid, itemid, count, cost, charges)
if(doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, cost) == TRUE) then
return doPlayerGiveItem(cid, itemid, count, charges)
return LUA_ERROR
end // That code in my global.lua for some reanson I'm using TFS 0.3 - rev 815
well Tested Out The New Code You Updated And Its Once Again Working Real Nice!!!
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Can someoen make this work for the newst tfs PLEASE!

To make it work with latest TFS 0.3 rev. 815, when he tells you to modify global.lua, modify funcitons.lua instead.

I had issues with it at first, and tested funcitons.lua, and now everything works great ;)
[29/06/2008 03:04:10] data/npc/scripts/runes.lua

[29/06/2008 03:04:10] data/npc/scripts/runes.lua:26: attempt to call method 'buyContainer' (a nil value)
[29/06/2008 03:04:10] Warning: [NpcScript::NpcScript] Can not load script. data/npc/scripts/runes.lua

[29/06/2008 03:04:10] data/npc/scripts/runes.lua:26: attempt to call method 'buyContainer' (a nil value)
[29/06/2008 03:04:10] Warning: [NpcScript::NpcScript] Can not load script. data/npc/scripts/runes.lua

I need help, bad. Someone add my msn [email protected]
thanks, checking if it works now. ok its work for me i didnt try it with runes but there should be no reason for it now to work. thanks

there is a bug i dont know if its when u buy more then 1 bp or over a certain amount but if i do '32 bp gmp' then you get debugged

edit:from what i hear from my players is that above 15 you debug
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there is a bug i dont know if its when u buy more then 1 bp or over a certain amount but if i do '32 bp gmp' then you get debugged

edit:from what i hear from my players is that above 15 you debug

i'v tested it and i even bought around the 60 bp's at the same time it dident debug me.


Advanced buy container works with Release Candidate 13 (Mystic Spirit)!

[29/06/2008 03:04:10] data/npc/scripts/runes.lua

[29/06/2008 03:04:10] data/npc/scripts/runes.lua:26: attempt to call method 'buyContainer' (a nil value)
[29/06/2008 03:04:10] Warning: [NpcScript::NpcScript] Can not load script. data/npc/scripts/runes.lua

[29/06/2008 03:04:10] data/npc/scripts/runes.lua:26: attempt to call method 'buyContainer' (a nil value)
[29/06/2008 03:04:10] Warning: [NpcScript::NpcScript] Can not load script. data/npc/scripts/runes.lua

I need help, bad. Someone add my msn [email protected]

dont forget to edit shopModule:buyContainer({'bp sd'}, Backpack, Rune, Prise, Charges, 'Backpack of sudden death') in runes.lua or it will bug. you need to put the id's
I scripted my own version and everything works fine except that when I say "bp uh" the npc doesn't say "would you like to buy a bp uh for 3k" he just doesn't respond :( but if i say yes i still get the bp... any ideas people? maybe im just tired...
Yep Its not working on the newest TFS :// there is diffrent Modules.lua I Guess. Anyone can make it for the new tfs?:/ please:>