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Monster Monsterpack 8.5+ based on the tibia.wikia statistics

No they aren't added yet, I first want to know how it works with the formulas of skills and attacks. I don't want to do the work over and over. I want to do it right in just one time.. Waiting for an answer.

I can finally work on monsters, because Elf did send me how the formula works!
After testing it on a few monsters, I can base the melee attacks 100% to the real monsters, based on tibia.wikia ofcause!!
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I checked through all spawns and these are the missings spawns from 8.53, and the most from 8.54.

Deathspawn, Infernal Frog, Blood Crab, Blood crab (Underwater), Servant Golem, Target Dummy, Dwarf Henchman, Dwarf Miner, Furious Troll, Troll Legionnaire, Yalahari (Creature), Kitty, Hell Hole, Magic Pillar, Mechanical Fighter, Pillar, Dryad, Ghostly Apparition, Dreadbeast

And the missing bosses

Apocalypse, Arachir The Ancient One, Arthei, Azerus, Barbaria, Bazir, Bones, Boreth, Diblis The Fair, Dire Penguin, Dirtbeard, Diseased Bill, Diseased Dan, Diseased Fred, Doctor Perhaps, Esmeralda, Fahim The Wise, Grandfather Tridian, Gravelord Oshuran, Hairman The Huge, Hide, High Templar Cobrass, Infernatil, Koshei the Deathless, Lersatio, Leviathan, Marziel, Morik the Gladiator, Pythius the Rotten (Creature), Rottie the Rotworm, Rukor Zad, Shard of Corruption, Shardhead, Sharptooth, Sir Valorcrest, Smuggler Baron Silvertoe, Splasher, Stonecracker, The Big Bad One, The Bloodtusk, The Collector, The Frog Prince, The Many, The Mutated Pumpkin, The Noxious Spawn, The Old Whopper, The Plasmother, The Snapper, The Weakened Count, Ungreez, Verminor, Warlord Ruzad, Yaga the Crone, Yakchal, Zarabustor, Zevelon Duskbringer, Zoralurk

All of these creatures is not really needed, but the most of them are. Also, all of this information is from tibiawiki!
Thank you Zkum for the list.
Bullet, I would apreciate that you will share the missing monsters.
Wellis, thank you, but I jsut wanted to know what the max hit was of the monsters with that attack and skill ;). I know it already.

nps :) yea i could search for some, maybe make some too :)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Blood Crab" nameDescription="a blood crab" race="blood" experience="160" speed="210" manacost="505">
	<health now="290" max="290"/>
	<look type="200" corpse="6075"/>
	<targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>
	<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
		<flag summonable="1"/>
		<flag attackable="1"/>
		<flag hostile="1"/>
		<flag illusionable="0"/>
		<flag convinceable="0"/>
		<flag pushable="0"/>
		<flag canpushitems="1"/>
		<flag canpushcreatures="0"/>
		<flag staticattack="90"/>
		<flag targetdistance="1"/>
		<flag runonhealth="0"/>
		<attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="-0" max="-85"/>
	<defenses armor="10" defense="15"/>
		<element icePercent="100"/>
		<element earthPercent="100"/>
		<element physicalPercent="12"/>
		<element firePercent="10"/>
		<element energyPercent="5"/>
		<item id="2148" countmax="80" chance="40000"/><!-- gold coin -->
		<item id="2148" countmax="39" chance="40000"/><!-- gold coin -->
		<item id="2667" countmax="2" chance="4789"/><!-- fish -->
		<item id="2478" chance="6827"/><!-- brass legs -->
		<item id="2464" chance="5839"/><!-- chain armor -->
		<item id="2143" countmax="2" chance="4000"/><!-- white pearl -->
copyed from rmp. dont know whats the diffrent of the one underwater and the one on surface is.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Splasher" nameDescription="a splasher" race="blood" experience="500" speed="520" manacost="0">
	<health now="1100" max="1100"/>
	<look type="47" corpse="6066"/>
	<targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>
	<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
		<flag summonable="0"/>
		<flag attackable="1"/>
		<flag hostile="1"/>
		<flag illusionable="0"/>
		<flag convinceable="0"/>
		<flag pushable="0"/>
		<flag canpushitems="1"/>
		<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
		<flag staticattack="90"/>
		<flag targetdistance="1"/>
		<flag runonhealth="30"/>
		<attack name="melee" interval="1000" skill="65" attack="65"/>
		<attack name="poison" interval="1000" chance="12" length="8" spread="10" min="-100" max="-160">
			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="bubbles"/>
		<attack name="poison" interval="1000" chance="20" range="7" radius="3" target="0" min="-55" max="-105">
			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="bubbles"/>
	<defenses armor="15" defense="18"/>
		<element firePercent="100"/>
		<element icePercent="100"/>
		<element earthPercent="15"/>
		<element energyPercent="25"/>
		<immunity lifedrain="1"/>
		<immunity paralyze="1"/>
		<immunity invisible="1"/>
	<voices interval="5000" chance="10">
		<voice sentence="Qua hah tsh!"/>
		<voice sentence="Teech tsha tshul!"/>
		<voice sentence="Quara tsha Fach!"/>
		<voice sentence="Tssssha Quara!"/>
		<voice sentence="Blubber."/>
		<voice sentence="Blup."/>

though no loot.
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Great work Sentielo you as Bullet has make great changes for otland community
will rep you and vote on your post
copyed from rmp. dont know whats the diffrent of the one underwater and the one on surface is
The underwater version hits more, has more exp/hp, and has slightly worse loot.
What's the point of it? In the end min damage will always be 0 and max damage won't be much different than it should be if you made the formulas correctly. Average damage won't be affected at all.
Sick, you are right.
I will update a new version, NOW.
There was only a bug with Poacher, after I deleted the </item> tag, it didn't show the bug anymore.. but I think it's not right. Hope anybody can test it for me.

Uploaded version 1.22, with just some bug fixes.

Some missing creatures and Ferumbras + Brutus Bloodbeard bad tagged, forget to delete some </item> and to close osme items name, plus forget to close <monster> tag. I recommend you to use the "Notepad++" if you arent using it. This help a lot when editing xml, xsl, and stuff like this.

Nice work!!!!!! The best packet from actuality, before of it my bats were dropping hams xD

Cordial Greeting from Brasil!!

here you go- reviewed, fixed & approved by elf.

please, dear Sentielo, work now with these files- will be easier for me to update with new stuff.