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Neon's latest mapping works!

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Inspired by my own details and Macedoons base ;o

Cyclops Mountain



I don't usually bump... But Bump
Pretty decent, I wouldn't mind hunting those cyclops for a while =P
I don't usually bump... But Bump

LOL! hahahahaha
wanna know why? cuz every body is tired to say it xD, it's just the way it is. You'r a great mapper noting more to say :/
xD They, you could give some critics? Or something
critics on what, damn i have not seen any defect on your mapping i would love to play on it ;/
Inspired by my own details and Macedoons base ;o

Cyclops Mountain




Dude, your maps are really beautiful, but you realize that 90% of people reading your thread are ordinary lickspittles? Yes, you're brilliant and there's no denying that, but this map, which I quote in the post is ... normal, not to say the average. I don't see anything special there. At least nothing would stand out style Neon. Go and create another epic work, not hunting grounds look like those from RL! :) Don't accept my words as an attack on your person, just telling the truth.
Dude, your maps are really beautiful, but you realize that 90% of people reading your thread are ordinary lickspittles? Yes, you're brilliant and there's no denying that, but this map, which I quote in the post is ... normal, not to say the average. I don't see anything special there. At least nothing would stand out style Neon. Go and create another epic work, not hunting grounds look like those from RL! :) Don't accept my words as an attack on your person, just telling the truth.

I personally like rl-tibia style more than over-spammed non-walkable nonsense showoff pieces =/
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