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Neon's latest mapping works!

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Moveric is right thats a normal cyc spawn, theres nothing adorable or epic there, only thing i liked was the sword thats leaning on the stone table but thats about it, everything else looks like the normal 0815 spawn.
Moveric is right thats a normal cyc spawn, theres nothing adorable or epic there, only thing i liked was the sword thats leaning on the stone table but thats about it, everything else looks like the normal 0815 spawn.

So what? I think that's what all of the open tibia maps should look like. They don't need to be 100% epic, cool, full of massive 5-floor-view places. This cave would still be awesome to explore and play in, because I don't know what's coming. I know every corner of rl-map that's why I don't like it, not because it doesn't look awesome. Would you like to play on a map that is full of epicness but there are no normal caves n shit to hunt in? Tbh I don't even give a fck about the epicness of the map as far as it's decent not 0 detail. I think you'd totally play on a map with 99% mountains cuz mountains are epic looking ^^
So what? I think that's what all of the open tibia maps should look like. They don't need to be 100% epic, cool, full of massive 5-floor-view places. This cave would still be awesome to explore and play in, because I don't know what's coming. I know every corner of rl-map that's why I don't like it, not because it doesn't look awesome. Would you like to play on a map that is full of epicness but there are no normal caves n shit to hunt in? Tbh I don't even give a fck about the epicness of the map as far as it's decent not 0 detail. I think you'd totally play on a map with 99% mountains cuz mountains are epic looking ^^

Yeah... its not like ive asked you to tell us what u like.
Its a cyc spawn, what do you expect to find there thats so awsome to explore it, *Were turning left ohhhh were turning right ohhhhhh a cyclops! Were killing it! Now were turning left ohhh* and so on, so yeah, whats so awsome to explore? lol
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Yeah... its not like ive asked you to tell us what u like.
Its a cyc spawn, what do you expect to find there thats so awsome to explore it, *Were turning left ohhhh were turning right ohhhhhh a cyclops! Were killing it! Now were turning left ohhh* and so on, so yeah, whats so awsome to explore? lol

I mean it doesn't need to have a fcking 7-floor mountain side or smthing to make it awesome
Noone said that but it isnt changing the fact that that cyc spawn is just average :p
That's what I like =) if its a map ofc
if it's showoff then yes maybe could be better
Was mapping in TV with Macedoon and mapped some random things on this cave on another floor...
Ill finish it later.

macedoon+neon= epic win :)
can you finish it? i wan to watch it done :D
Looks kinda boring, whats the background info for that pic?
Dastan hows is that boring, its just like a 15x20 sqm map, you never know what it could turn out to be...
Dastan hows is that boring, its just like a 15x20 sqm map, you never know what it could turn out to be...

Yes, what it can be, he said that it looks boring now. But I doubt that Neon will not disappoint us. ;)
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