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Neon's latest mapping works!

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Not mapped by me, but I just HAD to take a picture! :D
I just added some details...

How do you(someone else) do thoose shadows? Oh it's ingame
Yes I know, but that picture had lesser quality and lesser detalis :)
I did invisible item in otitemeditor witch had to put second fence upper, but evrything what i do in otitem editor don't work in mapeditor / game ; (.
Topic: I like that place with misterious light o0.
Holy Christ, your mapping is unbelieveable. It's a matter of time until you get hired by Cipsoft :)

Hired by CipSoft? Probably get lots of tickets because of using copyrighted graphics. But not being hired ;)
Mapping is totally legal.
Also is playing ot.
Only the hoster of a server does some illigal stuff.

That's what a friend once told me.
You are wrong. You are using CipSoft's sprites and show-off with. That's rip.
And CipSoft's sprites is copyrighted.
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