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New Dura Project - A Different Game Experience for an MMORPG

Hey everyone,
We finished Ank II, our custom update, and so we've gone back and listened to feedback as well as given further thought to the Game-Settings and think the original vision we were going for is now more fully realized with these following adjustments:

All Rates relative to Dura Classic
  • Spawn Rate: 1.15x to 1.9x
  • Base (all loot) Loot: 1.5x to 2x
  • Heroism Exp Rate: 2.66x to 3x
  • Heroism Loot Rate: 2.66x to 2.25x

  • Raid Spawn-Rate: 2x to 3x
  • Legendary Item Loot Rate on Elite Mon: 1.8x
  • Legendary Item Loot Rate on Raid Mon: 1.7x

  • Elite Spawn-Rate: +20% to +10%
  • Party Spawn-Rate: +20% to +75%
  • Valuables/Consumables Loot: 2x to 1.5x (but since base loot is 2x = 3x)
  • Ancient Runes: 3x to 1x (but since base loot is 2x = 2x)

Everything in these settings STACK. Everything.
This means a Rate/Number on it's own is not what the game will actually be in the immediate experience. Example: 2 x 1.8 = 3.6. Etc. etc.

If you want to check the other Rates/Game-Settings that have not been adjusted check here:
Tournament Dura - Dura (https://tournament.dura-online.com/?serverrates)

If you want to check examples of how the above Game Settings stack together as well as here other information regarding the New Server and what's coming:
Dura - New Server - Game Settings

In honor of this Game-Set the name of the server will be Valor. We'll be making the name-change to all things relevant soon.

Thanks so much! It's getting exciting!