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OB vs Fantanicos/whoever else with them

Smellic Hunt

New Member
Dec 19, 2008
Reaction score
Mm, OB against Fantanicos and Den metikga? and whoever else helped them.

otskit battle mos.cam
- I shoulda been there, would made alot of difference, the only place you guys would see is the Temple :]
you were retardo running around alone wtf was u doing at north gate when our team were north west gate? just chatting shit u suck

yes, indeed
but when joisch chased 13 of our peoples solo and they kept running? when a 130 mage was running around in our team and no1 attacked him exept me, and instead my team ran away again?
I agree, the camers view gets my man of the match foreal. I love how my bruvs save me like mad at the start :D
This is like polacks in a ob running after ppl's and just sding no mwalling or no1 is leading Lol