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[OTClient Mod] Spacebar Attack


Veteran OT User
Oct 12, 2008
Reaction score
In connection with post: Attack first/second Battle List OTClient I was creating spacebar_attack module. I don't know whether that is work like this functionality in Tibia 11 because i don't used Tibia 11 client.

It's simple to use because it would be enough to copy spacebar_attack folder to "mods" or "modules" folder.

To use this functionality you need to switch on it in right game toggle button.

How it works?
Press spacebar key to choose first target from battle list.
Again press spacebar key to choose next target from battle list.
... and next, and next ...
To attack players switch off safe fight.

I used data from battle list module so if you want:
  • sort your targets by Name, Distance, Age, Health or sort ascending and descending.
  • skip players (if you switch off safe fight), skip monsters, skip non-skull players or skip party members.

I added new version implemented to console (game_console module).
  • To use you need to switch on check box in left bottom corner (On the left from 'Default' chat).
  • Without icon in right game toggle panel.
  • You need to add folder [game_console] to "modules" folder in your main OTClient folder.

Download (Mod):
GitHub - EgzoT/-OTClient-Mod-spacebar_attack
Download (Implemented to console):
GitHub - EgzoT/-OTClient-Mod-spacebar_attack-implemented-to-console
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Perfect! Thank you!
Did u know how to remove buttons stuff and use the:
if consoleToggleChat:isChecked() then

Condition to attack, i mean, when press space, if consoleToggleChat:isChecked() then
Use your amazing script???
does it skip players / or others on lower version when they are on battle without fist on? + what about npcs?
does it skip players / or others on lower version when they are on battle without fist on? + what about npcs?

Skip NPCs, Skip Players when safe fight is ON (this hand - red fist = safe fight OFF). Other options you may control in battle list.
I was tested it on Tibia 8.6.
After used implemented to console version, I clicked space.
Some time it worked fine but then it started to attack every monster I see at once:
In the screen it's look like you press spacebar all time. But I'm don't sure, I think better way to show this bug is add video.
Second problem, I don't see your battle list in this screen. It's very important because this module use battle list.
Possible poblems:
1) You press spacebar all time or something block this key.
2) You have older battle list version or you have modified something in them.
3) I use version 0.6.6 (df422c0), tested on protocol 8.6, 7.6, 10.98.

The best way to show this problem is record video, if you use Windows 10 you may use this:
Recording Game Clips | Game DVR | Windows 10 Games

I've changed my console.lua before and I forgot about it.
The code with my changes was incompatible.
I had to make few changes and everything works.

Thank you MagicWall for your help and the code.
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#Edit: As I said before, I had a little different console.lua so the code was incompatible but now everything works.

I'm waiting for a 'space' button just like arrows button you did. :)
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Bug: I've found that space works even with windows like Move Stackable Item or Options opened.
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Ive been trying to make it so I get a prompt to add a desired key to the start attack function but can't really get it to link properly :) Any pointers?
i am kind of lost here
i added the space bar attack folder to the modules folder but i dont know what you mean by switch on it in right game toggle button.
what button do you mean ?

You have downloaded from link "Download (Mod)" or "Download (Implemented to console)"?
Folder from first link "Download (Mod)" you must add to modules or mods folder (mods is more comfortable to use because is empty ;)).

Right game toggle button (option ON):

Bug: I've found that space works even with windows like Move Stackable Item or Options opened.

I'm not sure that is bug or no.
Why? Because similar works hotkeys, or 'Enter' key when enable chat mode is on.
@MagicWall i still got no idea where is that button lol
i took a ss from my client can you point out where exactly is that button because i cant find it

First of all, thanks for sharing the script/idea, I have had a fun time playing with it and learning some stuff because of it.

Moreover, during this, I found that BattleList keeps quite a messy table of dynamic indices and caches some creatures which are way out of range in a given moment, and also could grab some creatures from floors above me.
I downloaded the newest version of the battle list script from github, which seems to have dealt with the issue somewhat, but that entire module seems like it's doing so many unnecessary things.

I don't know for you, but upon testing it on the newest battle list, I once again ran into some issues with the script where it would attempt to target a nil entry in the table every time I finish a full rotation, thus always having 1 key press do nothing when rotating between several creatures.

Just curious, why didn't you detect creatures via getSpectator instead of battle list? And have you considered giving player access to choose which key they want to bind instead of space?

I have remade the script to do it like that, and it seems to be performing much more efficiently, not to mention the customization possibilities:


I think letting the player select the range at which it detects is also important, because some players may be playing a melee class that would like to prioritize creatures closer/closest to him instead of rotating through others that may be far away. (Yes, I know there is Sorting mechanism for battle list, but that's also another icky thing)

I'm curious to hear.
Thanks again, and if anyone wants to check/use my edits, you will find links below. I will just post parts that are relevant. (I didn't bother to change various function names so stuff might look weird)
autoAttackButton = nil
alreadyAttacked = {}

function init()

function terminate()


local battleListCounter = 1

local function getDistanceBetween(p1, p2)
    return math.max(math.abs(p1.x - p2.x), math.abs(p1.y - p2.y))

function chooseAimFromBattleList()
  local DetectDistance = modules.client_options.getOption('quicktargetrange')
  local spectators = g_map.getSpectators(g_game.getLocalPlayer():getPosition(), false)
  for k,v in pairs(spectators) do
        if getDistanceBetween(g_game.getLocalPlayer():getPosition(), v:getPosition()) <= DetectDistance then
            if isViableTarget(v) then
                if alreadyAttacked[v:getId()] then
                    if alreadyAttacked[v:getId()] ~= 1 then
                     alreadyAttacked[v:getId()] = 1
    if k == #spectators and alreadyAttacked ~= nil and next(alreadyAttacked) ~= nil then
        alreadyAttacked = nil
        alreadyAttacked = {}

function isViableTarget(creatureData)

  if creatureData:isMonster() then
    if creatureData:isInvisible() == false then
        return true
  elseif creatureData:isPlayer() then
  --[[ Return False for now - when PVP is implemented, we will make a check whether the player wants to attack players or not via Options
    if g_game.isSafeFight() then
      return false
      return true
    end ]]--
    return false
  elseif creatureData:isNpc() then
    return false
    return false

function bindSpacebar()
  g_keyboard.bindKeyPress(g_settings.getString("quicktargettingkey"), chooseAimFromBattleList)

function unbindSpacebar()
  g_keyboard.unbindKeyPress(g_settings.getString("quicktargettingkey"), chooseAimFromBattleList)

function toggleSpacebarBind()
  if g_settings.getBoolean("quicktargetting") == true then

--Scripts END------------------------------------

In options lua, we add some new options:
  quicktargetting = false,
  quicktargettingkey = "",
  quicktargetrange = 5

Below it, in locals:
local addQuickTargetButton = nil

In setup function:

  addQuickTargetButton = generalPanel:getChildById("extraOptions"):getChildById("addHotkeyButton")
  local hotkeyButtonLabel = generalPanel:getChildById("extraOptions"):getChildById("hotkeyButtonLabel")
  local optvalue1 = g_settings.getString("quicktargettingkey")
  if optvalue1 == '' then optvalue1 = 'none' end
  hotkeyButtonLabel:setText('Currently: ' ..optvalue1)

In setoption function insert this in any appropriate place:

 elseif key == 'quicktargetrange' then
   generalPanel:getChildById('extraOptions'):getChildById('quickTargetRangeLabel'):setText(tr('Detect range: %d sqm', value))
elseif key == 'quicktargetting' then
    addQuickTargetButton = generalPanel:getChildById("extraOptions"):getChildById("addHotkeyButton")
    if generalPanel:getChildById("extraOptions"):getChildById("quicktargetting"):isChecked() then
        g_settings.set("quicktargetting", true)
        g_settings.set("quicktargetting", false)

New functions for options.lua which will be things that are triggered when new buttons are pressed:

function addHotkey()
  local assignWindow = g_ui.createWidget('HotkeyAssignWindow', rootWidget)

  local comboLabel = assignWindow:getChildById('comboPreview')
  comboLabel.keyCombo = ''
  assignWindow.onKeyDown = hotkeyCapture

function hotkeyCapture(assignWindow, keyCode, keyboardModifiers)
  local keyCombo = determineKeyComboDesc(keyCode, keyboardModifiers)
  local comboPreview = assignWindow:getChildById('comboPreview')
  comboPreview:setText('Current key to add: ' ..keyCombo)
  comboPreview.keyCombo = keyCombo
  assignWindow:getChildById('addButton').onClick = function() hotkeyCaptureOk(assignWindow, assignWindow:getChildById('comboPreview').keyCombo) end
  return true

function hotkeyCaptureOk(assignWindow, keyCombo)
  if g_settings.getBoolean("quicktargetting") == true then
      generalPanel:getChildById("extraOptions"):getChildById("hotkeyButtonLabel"):setText('Currently: ' ..keyCombo)
      g_settings.set("quicktargettingkey", keyCombo)

In OTUI you will need to have some new elements set up for it, i have some like:

      id: quicktargetting
      !text: tr('Enable Quick Targetting (Experimental)')
      !tooltip: tr('Upon pressing the set key, targets the next monster within the set detection range\nstarting with the ones closest to you.')
      font: verdana-11px-rounded
      anchors.left: parent.left
      margin-left: 5
      anchors.top: horizontalseparator1.bottom
      margin-top: 5
      id: addHotkeyButton
      !text: tr('Bind Key')
      width: 64
      anchors.left: parent.left
      anchors.top: prev.bottom
      margin-top: 5
      margin-left: 3
      @onClick: modules.client_options.addHotkey()
      id: hotkeyButtonLabel
      !text: tr('Currently: %s', 'none')
      anchors.left: prev.right
      anchors.top: prev.top
      font: verdana-11px-rounded
      margin-left: 5
      margin-top: 5
      text-auto-resize: true
      id: quickTargetRangeLabel
      color: #849a52
      font: verdana-11px-rounded
      anchors.left: parent.left
      anchors.top: addHotkeyButton.bottom
      margin-top: 5
      margin-left: 5
      text-auto-resize: true
      @onSetup: |
        local value = modules.client_options.getOption('quicktargetrange')
        self:setText(tr('Detect range: %d', value))
      id: quicktargetrange
      anchors.left: parent.left
      anchors.right: parent.right
      anchors.top: prev.bottom
      margin-left: 5
      margin-top: 5
      minimum: 1
      maximum: 10

The code above will not work if inserted raw like this, mostly because there are names and references to things that might be called differently in your folders/scripts, so go over that yourself and fix the inconsistencies + make sure that the OTUI references refer to the proper parent/child relations, based on how you insert the OTUI code. The code I posted are children of a panel called extraOptions, you might do your option window differently, idk.
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