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Players walking through walls using bug.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
Reaction score
Hello I have this problem on my server, there are players who are managing to walk through walls.

I don't know how they do this. I don't know if they use WPE program or a modified client.

Is there any way to fix this by making the player debug when he cross a wall?

Sem título.jpg
For now you can fix it with a movement i think.
Function onstepin wall House id then return to your position that you come.
Semi Interesting fact, back in 2003? ish, Cipsoft had to reset all of the worlds by 10 days or so, because of a program someone released that was very similar to WPE, but the packets were saved and ready to go.

My friend had gotten access to this program and had shown me what it could do, which is the only reason I even know about it, as of course cipsoft brushed it under the rug and named it a technical difficulty affecting a large group of players.

basically, a player could move any wall 1 sqm, but it took nearly 20 minutes for it to work.
As you can imagine people were looting other players houses and getting access to previously unobtainable area's.

Nobody noticed for nearly a week, because originally the people using it were being smart about it, and moving the wall, looting what they could carry, then moving the wall back. Whispers of items going missing were floating around pretty much everywhere. I guess at that point the program creator released it on a forum and lot's of people started using it until cipsoft did whatever magic they required to find the issue, and track it back for how long it had been happening, and then reset all of the worlds.


On topic, I have no answer, just thought it'd be cool to share the story. :)

Although my best guess would be some sort of 'movement' spell, that isn't working as intended.
For now you can fix it with a movement i think.
Function onstepin wall House id then return to your position that you come.

I already have systems that prevent robery in houses

The problem is that this player is jumping quest doors ... And it's not a lot of players who know this bug, it's just a guy, this is whay I believe it is a very rare and incomom bug
I already have systems that prevent robery in houses

The problem is that this player is jumping quest doors ... And it's not a lot of players who know this bug, it's just a guy, this is whay I believe it is a very rare and incomom bug
To be honest i never see that kind of bug un that time, i dont know how can you fix it.

But with a source edit you can also fix that i guess, try
Onmove checks if you step on a blocking path item and then teleport player to pos that he come from.

The bug will still there but when that player try to move himself to a wall/any item will be teleported and nothing happends.
dude give more info, what server are you using, what tibia version, and can you show us a print script of this exact house selected (hightlighted) on RME?