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I mean, 60 euro host wtf is this? How poor can you be irl?
Will it be online soon?

EDIT: I smell fail!
I think the release of this has been rushed... I have seen many sloppy glitches, don't rush this so much guys, take time to perfect it.

Also you haven't considered the start island to have lots of players, therefore I can;t find anything to kill :S I think you should relaunch when it has been perfected and finalized. Focus on the RPG and storyline for a bit too. Not just the core engine and functionality.
lol ddos atk who will want this?
i also died and i cant login again
and i got really alot of lags
guys for all will be best to stop keep refreshing acc maker site, its down cause too many ppl wanted to join, go out and tommorow should be everything OK :)
guys for all will be best to stop keep refreshing acc maker site, its down cause too many ppl wanted to join, go out and tommorow should be everything OK :)

right .. why dont u just listen to me >.<
bam dont try to start flamewar it wasnt my decision :)
i was playing with a bun h of players but now i died and can't loggin back hehe, gameplay's awesome btw, dusieqq, when we will be able to login again?
as i said best you will do if you will wait till tommorow.
haha ye sure if you log in in 2020 ;)
dusieqq actually what are you guys working on? i know you had a bad launchd and u seems not opening today, but you don't need to be so bad with us we wanted to play so much, just tell us what r u working or smth, what were the problems
the problem is we are ddosed, we suspect someone but i cant let you these informations. We are working on blocking ddosers and then serv will be on.
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