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PvP blessing and FF rule

Remove ToT or FF Rules

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New Member
Apr 5, 2013
Reaction score
So what I want is either the PvP blessing aka twist of fate or the fair fight rules to be removed. The reason I want one of these things to be removed is because lvl 150-200s can hit nearly as much as a lvl 350 can with his UE's which means it takes 4x 150 mages to bring down a lvl 350+ and he will lose half a level meanwhile if the lvl 350 kills the 150 mages they will lose 15% exp and 25k cash and just come back over and over again.

This is a hardcore pvp server and I feel like it's not even worth it to kill people that attempts to kill you because you will most likely just get UE comob'd to death or waste shitloads of time.

Removing one of the following things would make it so much more worth it to fight for your life and you will have more power the higher level you get because most of the people won't rook their characters(if you remove ff rules) or waste all their money(if you remove twist of fate).

I hope I can get some thoughts from other people,

Thank you
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in MY opinion should been both removed.
Since on this server are many charlovers and br's who couldnt handle when both get removed
just remove TOF coz ppl got way to much money.
Higher death penalty when you die by players to like 100% :p So you drop around 1 level when you die in PvP. I think you should also higher the price of Twist of Fate to like around 50-70k.