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Team Raxera [Real Map Project] seeking staff members!


VoltageOT Developer
Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

Raxera is currently seeking staff members to help improve our server and make it one of the best real map servers out there. Raxera is based off of a purchased real map package, so it's not a downloaded real map server. It's still not perfect, but it's pretty much ready to be released to the public. The server will be released within the next week or two and the staff will continue to work on the server while it's running, constantly making it one of the best real map servers online.

Basic Team Information:
Our mission statement: We at Raxera will become one of the bigger real map servers. We will try our best to have everything that real tibia has. Our server will take pride in our staff members and a strict policy will ensure that the server is run without corruption.
Our staff policy: Here at Raxera we need to guarantee the players that our staff members will never be corrupt. Therefore, all staff members are limited in their commands and abilities. We run on a three-point warning system. Staff members who break our rules will get up to three warnings, depending on the offense. Once three warnings are reached; the member will be removed from the team and all previous payments will be reversed.
Our staff payment plan: Here at Raxera we don't offer a wage for staff members. However, that being said we offer packages for the staff members who do a good job. If you do an outstanding job things may be purchased for you, such as premium accounts on real tibia, donator memberships on OTFans / OTLand and more. You can also be granted donation items in-game if you do a good job. We will have several events for staff members such as "staff member of the month" etc.
Please note: Gamemasters tipically do not get paid for general duties. If you are a gamemaster, you have the option to help code small things that only take general knowledge.
Our staff requirements: In order to be a member of the staff on Raxera you need to have the following:
  • Excellent English skills
  • Excellent leadership skills
  • Able to handle reports without getting frustrated, corrupted or anything of the sort

Basic Server Information:
Map: Raxera's map is currently at around 90MBs, based on a certain data package available in the VAPus store. It includes full zao, many quests and lots of cool features. We are constantly working on adding all the quests, all the areas and much more. So far there aren't any custom areas, but if the occasion arises in the future that some more spawns are needed, we will add some.
World type: Our world type is set to PVP, however you will be able to gain experience from killing players.
Client: We are going to be based on the 8.60 client.
Experience rates: Experience rates are still somewhat undecided, but they will probably be a high rate.
Release date: Sometime next week.

Positions available:
Scripter: Being Raxera's scripter is most likely the most important and well paying job on the server. As stated above, you won't be paid a flat fee but instead you'll be rewarded with little prizes here and there and a higher position in the server.
Gamemaster: A gamemaster on Raxera watches over the server, looks for botters, finds bugs and so on. They can also have a secondary task, which could be anything from basic coding to coming up with ideas.
Please note: All staff members are required to play on the BETA, which will run for a few days before it goes public. This is to find any last minute bugs.

Application format:
When posting an application please copy and paste the format exactly and post your text where it says "text here'.
Real name: text here
Age: text here
Country you live in: text here
Languages you speak: text here
How often you can be online: text here

Why you want to be a part of Raxera:
text here
Why you think you are good enough to be on our team:
text here
Previous references/servers you've worked on:
text here[/noparse]
You can send me a private message with your application or post here in this thread.

Thank you everyone for your interest,
Raxera Administrator
Hello my name is Ben M.
I am Currently 16 years of age.
I speak a various of languages but very little and alot of some and somenot.
French 4/10 Retaking during 11th Grade.
German 7/10 Taking Classes right now during school.
English 10/10 When I say i speak 100% English, it means I speak 100% English.

The whole entire reason and a few more reasons why I would like to join your server is your statement "ONE OF THE BIGGER REALMAP SERVERS".
I really do not like to work with 2% done servers. atleast something I could work with.
I am also GREAT with more than enough of the players or community.
I am Strict but at most times decisioned fair.

I roughly think I would be a great Edition to the team for the reasons of I am a great team player.
I do NOT choose or pick sides between players or either staff members.
I do NOT have an additional character to avoid conflicts with cheating, teleporting, or pking.
nor blocking, or abusing a position.

A few references. (a few people on the list I was NOT a "part" of the team, but I was a contributer in a way with activity on the forum and or in-game.
Pokemon Adventures (a friend of the staff members. Alba, Jano, Koob, Nino. I was active on their Forums. Still am to help players.
ForsakenreignOT (Gamemaster there). Gamemaster sense opening.
LegacyOT (same owner) Gamemaster there aswell.
and was a Gamemaster and or Tutor on other Server, reguarding RealMaps. Evo. Eldins. Customs.

Anything you would like to know please contact me by via Otland msg.
or MSN.
[email protected]
Thanks for your time.
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Arthur - what city do you live in? Vancouver or it's surroundings?
Make it below 10x, and i shall assist.
I've got a real map, heavily detailed and edited, with all map bugs fixed.
Taken months to get the majority if it too this stage.

Will put in an application, once experience rate is decided.
Make it below 10x, and i shall assist.
I've got a real map, heavily detailed and edited, with all map bugs fixed.
Taken months to get the majority if it too this stage.

Will put in an application, once experience rate is decided.
Hey angle daughter :D remember me from palera :p
I was False.
So Wozu steals my real map project, then changes his name to Raxon.
Now he's hosting a real map project...you're going to be DDoS'd.

Good luck with your project, thief. :thumbup:
So Wozu steals my real map project, then changes his name to Raxon.
Now he's hosting a real map project...you're going to be DDoS'd.

Good luck with your project, thief. :thumbup:

Serously... Please ignore my application. I don't work with theifs...
So Wozu steals my real map project, then changes his name to Raxon.
Now he's hosting a real map project...you're going to be DDoS'd.

Good luck with your project, thief. :thumbup:
To bad I'm not using your project. I purchased 5mok3's project.
Oh and I'm the thief? Forgot that you sent me a faulty version of your server? I didn't want it, so I didn't pay.

So ya, this project is legit and has no "stolen" software.
Eh, if you can prove it's not JDB's, I'm in, he's a good friend.

Real name: Sarah.
Age: 18.
Country you live in: Australia.
Languages you speak: English / Swedish.
How often you can be online: If the servers up within the next two weeks then basically 5-10 hour's a day, maybe more dependent on casual life activity.

Why you want to be a part of Raxera:
Starting my own 8.60 Real Map server, however mapping aside i cannot host nor do anything else, therefore mapping and being a gamemaster are my two quality's.

Why you think you are good enough to be on our team:
Well for starters, I've been a member here for a fairly long time, it may not show on this account's registry date however. I've been in multiple project's, and also know the majority of users here on Otland.

Dependant on what server i visit, i normally attract 15-20 friend's who tag along.

Previous references/servers you've worked on:
Far to many to list, however if need be i can dig up referee's who can vouch for my efforts and skills.
To bad I'm not using your project. I purchased 5mok3's project.
Oh and I'm the thief? Forgot that you sent me a faulty version of your server? I didn't want it, so I didn't pay.

So ya, this project is legit and has no "stolen" software.

You're a horrible lair. :p
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Too bad I have proof, eh?
I'll upload it when I get home from school. :)

There ya go, some proof. Look JDB - I didn't scam you, I've deleted your files and I'll never need them. They weren't even the real ones, as you said yourself. I didn't pay for something I wasn't going to use. Why should I? Would you buy a new car just so it can sit in your driveway when you have another perfectly good car. Anyway, I ain't gonna try and argue/convince because I know it's useless.

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So far I have 10 GM applications and a scripter application. I'll probably decide within the next couple days, so get your applications in.

@Amaya, it's going to be a higher-rate server; so I don't know if you'd like me to count your application or not. Let me know.
Real name: Alex Mack
Age: 18
Country you live in: Canada
Languages you speak: English, partial French.
How often you can be online: Anytime, depending on my work schedule.

Why you want to be a part of Raxera: I have grown bored with my tibian life lately and I love playing and helping people.
Why you think you are good enough to be on our team: I believe I am good enough to be on your team because I am a hardworking individual with a number of talents that go beyond the scope of mere games and play.
Previous references/servers you've worked on: Kinera