• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Gamemaster Searching serious gamemasters to RoHaN-ots!

Application to be (Gamemaster) Meaning (Manager) Like i can manage/help players.. and be online all the time like 10 hours per a day~
Yourname: Chaos
Age: 17 Going to 18!
How long have you been GM: 7 Years of playing tibia as a staff member.. Else i have a otserver was managing it ,but now gonna manage yours!
Language: Swedish/English/Arabic (Fully)
What for servers have you been gms on: I was gamemaster on forgottenl.com.. And Skybleu.. And starfare.. Dats all :)
Why this server: Because its a nice server, and semi-rare to find a server by that nicely fun!
Msn screenname: [email protected]
Which server you are interested in, and your skill: Im interested in ForgottenL.SE (Main choosen), Samera.se Or Chilla.biz Or The newest one (Evounline.net)
Why so?

I will really help :).. Im good at helping,And maybe... Can u tell me which staff members do you want ? maybe i can!

At mapping, im readyfully!
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I need staff that can script either php, lua, or design (web), and i'm sure that you can't do any of those. Don't tripple post & Spam my mail please.
Why cannot? I can script! And i can show you -.-!

Lets try as a scripter?
I will apply as a scripter, Helping in scripts!

Are u online on one of your servers? So i can come and let u check!

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STFU Because you know nothing about scripting you SUCK at mapping and your server is a Total Faliure, RoHaN I recommend that guy if you want to make your server fucked up.
Stop posting useless and spamming replies, and watch out with using offensive language. I suggest OP to stop bumping this thread before 24h after his last post.
How long have you been GM?=i used to be a gm on a diff server for 1 year or more but server got hacked
Language?=English/some spanish
What for servers have you been gms on?=An old server 2 years ago i was GM for a year or more but i forgot name
Why this server?=Ive tryed forgottenl.se and loved it so id lik to help out the community because theres never any gms on when im on and i see ppl spamming other servers.
Msn screenname?(do u mean email? if so here it is)[email protected]
Which server you are interested in, and your skill?=I play Forgottenl.se server im
a knight, my names Cuddley Panda! I rlly dont care id like to be a tutor or a gm

~I am a very serious GM/Tut, If someone breaks a rule i either ban them or Notation them(warning)Depending on what they do and why, i will ofc ask them, For example say someone spamming a diff server: Me: If u like the other server so much and its SO great why do you have to put the effort to get players, if its so great then people would play Them:....... Me: BAN/WARNING/ OR NOTATION

I would very much like To be a tut/GM because i like to help the server become better for other players, I think beiNG a tutor or GM is fun because you get to watch over the community and if you think something is wrong you can voice it and if people are breaking rules u hate for them to break you have the right to ban/warning them because i HATE people breaking rules and getting away with it!
Sorry if i messed up on the msn part i think its email :)
Thank you
i can be a website designer!
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