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Server Crash 0.35+


New Member
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
I thought I used the sub forum, bug reports. sorry can you move there please.

Since 0.25 to 0.36, I;ve been aware of a way to crash a server without even needing a login account to the server, but never really posted anything about it.

But I think it should be looked into and didn't know what section its in.

I've been coding for a good number of years now, and have recently been updating my proxy to work with my own server, just because i've been bored without my internet.

I didn't really want to post it as ppl would prob try to abuse it, but I don't really know where to put it as I'm not around the OT community alot.

My proxy, listens to tibia client, and waits for it to connect then sends the data to the server using 2 different winsock connections, 1 to parse server data, and 1 to parse client data.

If I set a breakpoint on the data being sent to the server and freeze the application just after it gets sent to the server, it crashes the server within about 5 seconds.

I've tested it on friends OT's and my own, all are straight out of the box trunk downloads.
I hope someone can get a fix for it and I hope no-one abuses it.. If the ppl who update it reads this, please feel free to delete this so not everyone can abuse it.

Thanks in advance.