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@Sne Qkn's deletion.

Why's everyone telling me im unfair?

The case this time was that Sne Qkn used cavebot..
so why bring up old cases?
Sne Qkn WILL still be banned no matter what, i am soooo sorry guys. really -.-
"Tertius treats him like that, and that guy like that" oh please come on..
Is this just lame attempts to twist the facts/truth?
Why's everyone telling me im unfair?

The case this time was that Sne Qkn used cavebot..
so why bring up old cases?
Sne Qkn WILL still be banned no matter what, i am soooo sorry guys. really -.-
"Tertius treats him like that, and that guy like that" oh please come on..
Is this just lame attempts to twist the facts/truth?

I doubt you or any other 1 of the owners threat people different except for Crawd, irl frinds & heavy donators.

Also could you or talaturen delete my Ventrilo Thread pls. =)
Why's everyone telling me im unfair?

The case this time was that Sne Qkn used cavebot..
so why bring up old cases?
Sne Qkn WILL still be banned no matter what, i am soooo sorry guys. really -.-
"Tertius treats him like that, and that guy like that" oh please come on..
Is this just lame attempts to twist the facts/truth?

Talked in vent with Crawd and he said that he was unbanned cuz he was rl with gms, pretty unfair?

About the crawd thing it is to old even i complained about it when i was a GM and directly to vanderlay and they still kept him which was wrong of them. (he have donated so much was the reason i got)

Honestly richey why not unban this person 2 then or do you not threat all people the same? ;o

Word. Why dont undelete Snq Qkn when you have done the very same thing with Crawd atlest 3 times?
And who are you Surarn?
I unban Crawd ONCE a long time ago, and that was becouse he was begging me to unban him and he was willing to pay real money for it, so i was stupid and unbanned him.

is there anything else you'd like to whine about while we're still at it?
And who are you Surarn?
I unban Crawd ONCE a long time ago, and that was becouse he was begging me to unban him and he was willing to pay real money for it, so i was stupid and unbanned him.

is there anything else you'd like to whine about while we're still at it?

Well, Guess once who i am?

I asked him again and he said that he paid out from ban 10-15 times. He paid u 50 kr each time.

So why are you talking shit? You unbanned him 10-15 TIMES!!!!
Why's everyone telling me im unfair?

The case this time was that Sne Qkn used cavebot..
so why bring up old cases?
Sne Qkn WILL still be banned no matter what, i am soooo sorry guys. really -.-
"Tertius treats him like that, and that guy like that" oh please come on..
Is this just lame attempts to twist the facts/truth?

oh right.. I did diden't I?

does it really matter?

Lets see what you wrote earlier.
If I would own the server I would let people pay to get out of ban too. If they wont learn they will just get banned again and again while the owners make money? And he would learn from it sooner or later?

I dont see the problem, Richey did what any other person would do.
I think paying yourself out of a Ban and Deletion is just rubbish..
5euro is nothing, why not make it so that they need to pay 50points to get free?

And they will have a warning... Next time they wont be able to get out of it.