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[Sweden | 7.72] Antica - START TODAY 18:00 CET

Will you play Antica if it's resetted?

  • YES

    Votes: 49 61.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 31 38.8%

  • Total voters
So, basicly. While using tibiacam, the viewer has to spend alot of time watching crap until they get to the good parts.=the player recording saving alot of time, the viewer lose alot of time

With fraps, the recorder and editor lose alot of time fixing the vid while the viewers save alot of time only watching the enjoyable parts.

You'd rather use tibiacam, to save time for yourself, but I'd rather give the viewers a more pleasant time.

nuff said

Um what? You don't upload a 1h video of gameplay filmed with fraps, i don't upload entire cams i cut the good parts out and make a video out of it.

If i was gonna watch an entire cam i'd much rather watch a tibiacam file or for a better fastforward option tibianictools where you can go up to 200x the speed = find best parts.

It is my opinion. As i said a lot of people experience lag while using fraps, and fps drops. I'd rather download a tibiacam file of 2mb than downloading an hour .avi or .wmv, even converting avi -> wmv the file would be at least 4gb. I understand what you mean but i don't really make videos out of every battle it is time consuming and i don't usually have time so i gather .kcams until i can create an 8-11 minute video, works better in my opinion, it's a lot let messier, at least for me.

And quite honestly the viewers will enjoy my videos a lot more if it's easier for me to create the video, if it's annoying and messy i'll just do it in a hurry and the video will be crappy and most likely messy.

If somebody wants to watch an entire battle or recording i'm fairly certain they'd prefer tibiacam/tibianictools over fraps.
19th November 2012 - PollMan
New Poll

Would you want us to start a real low-rate server aswell? Just like Antica but with lower-rates.
1. Yes
2. No
3. Maybe

Voting ends on: 26th November 2012
Characters of level 20 or above may vote by clinking this link:

So, whats about that? i think depend of rates...
Another thing, why the hell exori costs 4/5 of mana? intead of 120 as it was before!? :(
19th November 2012 - PollMan
New Poll

Would you want us to start a real low-rate server aswell? Just like Antica but with lower-rates.
1. Yes
2. No
3. Maybe

Voting ends on: 26th November 2012
Characters of level 20 or above may vote by clinking this link:

So, whats about that? i think depend of rates...
Another thing, why the hell exori costs 4/5 of mana? intead of 120 as it was before!? :(

Read carefully it says ASWELL our main server isn't going down.
Changing of exori was because it was too weak compared to how it really should be but yes it cost less mana than what it used to aswell.
But for knights to be somewhat viable in PVP they need their regular exori, therefore 4/5 mana reinvented.
Read carefully it says ASWELL our main server isn't going down.
Changing of exori was because it was too weak compared to how it really should be but yes it cost less mana than what it used to aswell.
But for knights to be somewhat viable in PVP they need their regular exori, therefore 4/5 mana reinvented.

:O, you are right, i didnt see the ASWELL xDDD. I think 4/5 mana for exori makes the knights inviable in pvp :S because higher the lvl, more mfs 1 e.g. EK lvl 200 need 800 mana for 1 exori... 800 mana = over 10 mfs... I never thought that this makes "fair" the pvp, but anyway, its just an opinion, going to play anyway ;)
Maybe a poll?
So, basicly. While using tibiacam, the viewer has to spend alot of time watching crap until they get to the good parts.=the player recording saving alot of time, the viewer lose alot of time

With fraps, the recorder and editor lose alot of time fixing the vid while the viewers save alot of time only watching the enjoyable parts.

You'd rather use tibiacam, to save time for yourself, but I'd rather give the viewers a more pleasant time.

nuff said

your vids are crap anyways lol
Lol? U still playing? I still read your bullsit of oldera and that u quit and player others ots nice
w8 for Oldera its much better server than that if u want come back

im just playing cause my brother started some tibia again;p having some fun in rpg with him;p cause he doesn't get much of the game yet;p
and oldera can kiss my ass idiota server

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