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[SWEDEN] Sniper 7.7 [WAR]

idk what Lording wanna say ;) Wdvx and what is your next move? It will be online or not today ?
i just made new layout for the website, will test the changes in the source code after workout (i'm back 15:10, showering + eating ? : 16:00) and then i will open it i think
server is now online, i hope everyone will be able to play without inconveniences this time
Nice to see the server online again but would be great if u could change sd damage a bit. Now its impossible to fight 1vs1 u cant kill anyone with doulbe sds +burst.
everyone shoot mort hurs because sd is too low
mort hur 200-220 and sd 160-200

higher sd a bit
or lower mort hur

my suggestion
yeah, everyone just spam the mort hur now, i will think of a solution
i think u should change damage with sds on a little bit higher and lower damage with mort hur
i think u should change damage with sds on a little bit higher and lower damage with mort hur

There is nothing wrong with SDs, they work as they should, mort hur too, but the problem is that everyone spams it. Might make it 500 mana to use or put higher exhaustion to it
There is nothing wrong with SDs, they work as they should, mort hur too, but the problem is that everyone spams it. Might make it 500 mana to use or put higher exhaustion to it

i don't think 247 damage with mort hur is normal, u should lower it, when ppl will see it's worse or same as sd they will not spam it as much
I'm pretty sure it's accurate:

max = -((level * 2 + maglevel * 3) * 2.3)

Still I don't disagree with you people. I might lower it some.


I lowered the damage of energy wave

For a level 50 sorcerer with magic level 40:
Spell: Energy wave (exevo mort hur) Max damage: -418 | Minumum damage: -294.8
Rune: Sudden death rune (adori vita vis) Max damage: -374 | Minumum damage: -256.3
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u cant mana-> exura vita directly but you can exura vita -> mana

you get exausted after mana yourself for every spell

i dont know if you do that on purpose, would be cool if you delete the exhaustion