• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[Switzerland][7.72] Oldera REALMAP HIGHRATES - reset 24-11-2012! (SATURDAY 15:00 CET)

realesta coming soon ;] it will be great ot no fucking oldera srera
Server back up. Did some database maintenance, server should run more smooth now. Not 100% sure the bug got fixed though. Anyways, experience and loot rates have been increased till tomorrow.

Have fun!

This is in dutch but it means if I don't delete the proof from the OTland forum in 1 hour he will IP ban me. Then I told him he was sad and he insta ip banned me. If you want I can search back in the other post and link the quotes he made. But this is a screenshot. Ask a dutch guy what it means. He tped himself on his char and his friend to Demona and later when his char still had Pz lock he kicked himself. Then I told him that I know what he was doing and he said: I only tped once go cry.
Um yeah it had horrible lags and a lot of map bugs last time i played.

in your fucking moron maybe hhaaha

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Sammy told me I was free to sell my character. But I don't care. It doesn't change the fact that you are a abuser and a lier.

Sammy is no longer part of the team. Please read the rules, as stated there: "We, the gamemasters of Oldera, reserve the rights to ban or delete your account for any reason".
bumpys can you fu ck off?

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overall i think this server is not what we expected. i didn't expect so many bugs in the start. i expected better wars. and i think the population is already slowly decreasing.