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[Switzerland] Classicus 7.4 - RESET -- SERVER ONLINE!!

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Ofcourse he will delay the poll, what did you expect?
Once you are lvl 70-80 you wont quit the ot, even if the fragsystem sux.
Now Ryan will make a poll and make sure the average like the fragsystem the way it is right now.
And until this happend you will keep getting levels and keep getting more stuck in the server.
I don't level on Ryan's OT's.. I have people exping for me and I will take their characters when I feel like it because I'm a boss.
Sell me a lvl 80+ ;=]
Unfortunately, the highest leveled character I currently have access to is a level 78 Master Sorcerer which I will play on as soon as this person takes level 85, and then a 72 Royal Paladin and around twenty characters between level 60. These are just the characters I took the recovery key from :).

Any changes coming soon? frags, loot rate?. I have problem with the loot, imo its to low but im fine with it.. But 14h frag? come on
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Any changes coming soon? frags, loot rate?. I have problem with the loot, imo its to low but im fine with it.. But 14h frag? come on
Also why can you rope yourself when there is items on hole?

Because that's 7.4 gameplay.
Well, I don't even care.

Here is a picture of me @ Dwarf mines in Kazordoon.


Kind Regards,

Does he even care about players...

Rook is still disabled.
And also on the first day he helped some people to buy houses, took their money manually and gave them the houses they wanted.
Tutors and Nerd said, you only need to have VIP to buy houses, level no needed. So I used my VIP (which i won at stream trivia) on my 8 level main character but I was unable to buy houses, it said "you need to be level 30 to buy house"
And here Ryan gave Harbour Place 1 to 20 level player.




ofc he doesnt care, which is why i will wait for a REAL oldschool ot server to come out, untill then i will stick to 10.76 realmap br ots cause when they reset they give points back 100%, people who own 7.1-7.6 ot's know players will keep donating to be the best player, all they care about is money and it has taken over there souls...

USA proxy server is now online! You can enable the proxy by going to Options -> Network and enable USA proxy. Poll regarding frags coming tomorrow as promised, have fun playing Classicus =)
USA proxy server is now online! You can enable the proxy by going to Options -> Network and enable USA proxy. Poll regarding frags coming tomorrow as promised, have fun playing Classicus =)

And? I don't see any poll
u need to understand guys that ryan will never listen to community and change the frag system

you are all naive and fell for his trick of playing his server and now.. well its too late for you to quit due to the frag system
People will always be moaning about this n that, ungrateful brats!

I'm effing happy to have a server which I can play on, which has really less bugs and a few nice people in it.

This community is as Blinkz said, really god awful.

But hey, have a nice day, here's a picture of me going to visit Ghazbaran @ the Formorgar Mines, bitchezzz!


Kindest Regards,

Change frag system from 14 hour to 24hour its to much PKS on server !!!!
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