- Joined
- Feb 6, 2023
- Messages
- 44
- Reaction score
- 20
Hi guys!
I've been here for quite some time and I decided to share my last small talkaction implemented for my server. Since my server is based on 8.6 (Nekiro downgrade TFS 1.5) and I use official tibia client I have no possibility to simply implement new window on user interface. That's how an idea was born. Maybe someone will find it useful
1 - (1-0.15) * (1-0.05) = 0.1925. —>19%. [Reddit source: reddit]
There is no problem in adding new functions and custom attributes. Treat my code as a template with field for improvement.
If someone will be interested in further version I will probably try to implement "recording" of player's best hit and display such data among others. You can give yours ideas which additional data would be nice to see there. I'm open to suggestions!
Your tibian friend, Vitox
If someone wants to extend with "best hit" and "highest hit received".
Create file /data/scripts/player_monster_hits_monitor.lua and fill with:
Add to /data/lib/core/storages.lua following properties (change values if you want to):
Now going back to stats.lua. Add function:
Having this function (better value display) we can finally add 2 lines with new statistics (place it where you want to, in block where text is prepared):
I've been here for quite some time and I decided to share my last small talkaction implemented for my server. Since my server is based on 8.6 (Nekiro downgrade TFS 1.5) and I use official tibia client I have no possibility to simply implement new window on user interface. That's how an idea was born. Maybe someone will find it useful
- What does it do?
- How does it look like?
- How do you calculate resistance?
1 - (1-0.15) * (1-0.05) = 0.1925. —>19%. [Reddit source: reddit]
- Do you take server stages into consideration for skill advance calculation?
- How about custom attributes?
There is no problem in adding new functions and custom attributes. Treat my code as a template with field for improvement.
- How to implement this?
LUA:<talkaction words="!stats" script="stats.lua" />
LUA:local slotName = { CONST_SLOT_AMMO, CONST_SLOT_ARMOR, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK, CONST_SLOT_FEET, CONST_SLOT_HEAD, CONST_SLOT_LEFT, CONST_SLOT_LEGS, CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE, CONST_SLOT_RIGHT, CONST_SLOT_RING } local map = { [COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE] = 1, [COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] = 2, [COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] = 3, [COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN] = 6, [COMBAT_MANADRAIN] = 7, [COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] = 4, [COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE] = 9, [COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] = 10, [COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE] = 11, [COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE] = 12, } function combatToAbilityType(combat) return map[combat] end function onSay(player, words, param) local text = getPlayerName(player.uid) .. "'s statistics: \n" text = text .. "Level: " .. player:getLevel() .."\n" text = text .. "Speed: " .. math.floor(player:getSpeed()/2) .."\n" text = text .. "Max HP: " .. player:getMaxHealth() .."\n" text = text .. "Max Mana: " .. player:getMaxMana() .."\n" text = text .. "Max Capacity: " .. math.floor(player:getCapacity()/100) .."\n" text = text .. "Stamina: " .. calculateStamina(player) .."\n" text = text .. "Residence: " .. player:getTown():getName() .."\n" text = text .. "--------------------------\n" text = text .. "Total Armor: " .. sumAttributeValues(player.uid, ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ARMOR) .."\n" text = text .. "Total Defense: " .. sumAttributeValues(player.uid, ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DEFENSE, ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRADEFENSE) .."\n" text = text .. "Attack Range: " .. calculateAttackRange(player.uid) .."\n" text = text .. "Speed Boost: " .. calculateSpeedBoost(player) .."\n" text = text .. "Physical Resistance: " .. calculateTotalResistance(player.uid, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE) .."\n" text = text .. "Energy Resistance: " .. calculateTotalResistance(player.uid, 2) .."\n" text = text .. "Earth Resistance: " .. calculateTotalResistance(player.uid, COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE) .."\n" text = text .. "Fire Resistance: " .. calculateTotalResistance(player.uid, COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE) .."\n" text = text .. "Lifedrain Resistance: " .. calculateTotalResistance(player.uid, COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN) .."\n" text = text .. "Manadrain Resistance: " .. calculateTotalResistance(player.uid, COMBAT_MANADRAIN) .."\n" text = text .. "Drown Resistance: " .. calculateTotalResistance(player.uid, COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE) .."\n" text = text .. "Ice Resistance: " .. calculateTotalResistance(player.uid, COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE) .."\n" text = text .. "Holy Resistance: " .. calculateTotalResistance(player.uid, COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE) .."\n" text = text .. "Death Resistance: " .. calculateTotalResistance(player.uid, COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE) .."\n" text = text .. "--------------------------\n" text = text .. "Critical Hit Chance: +" .. getHighestCustomAttributeValues(player.uid, "SarahWesker_critical hit chance" ) .."\n" text = text .. "Critical Extra Damage: +" .. sumCustomAttributeValues(player.uid, "SarahWesker_critical extra damage" ) .."\n" text = text .. "Life Leech Chance: +" .. getHighestCustomAttributeValues(player.uid, "SarahWesker_hp leech chance" ) .."\n" text = text .. "Life Leech Amount: +" .. sumCustomAttributeValues(player.uid, "SarahWesker_hp leech amount" ) .."\n" text = text .. "Mana Leech Chance: +" .. getHighestCustomAttributeValues(player.uid, "SarahWesker_mana leech chance" ) .."\n" text = text .. "Mana Leech Amount: +" .. sumCustomAttributeValues(player.uid, "SarahWesker_mana leech amount" ) .."\n" text = text .. "--------------------------\n" text = text .. "Magic Level [MLVL]: " .. player:getMagicLevel() .."\n" text = text .. "Fist Fighting [FF]: " .. player:getSkillLevel(SKILL_FIST) .."\n" text = text .. "Club Fighting [CF]: " .. player:getSkillLevel(SKILL_CLUB) .."\n" text = text .. "Sword Fighting [SF]: " .. player:getSkillLevel(SKILL_SWORD) .."\n" text = text .. "Axe Fighting [AF]: " .. player:getSkillLevel(SKILL_AXE) .."\n" text = text .. "Distance Fighting [DF]: " .. player:getSkillLevel(SKILL_DISTANCE) .."\n" text = text .. "Shielding [S]: " .. player:getSkillLevel(SKILL_SHIELD) .."\n" text = text .. "--------------------------\n" text = text .. "Mana to reach next [MLVL]: " .. calculateManaForNextMagicLevel(player) .."\n" text = text .. "Hits to reach next [FF]: " .. calculateTriesForNext(player, SKILL_FIST) .."\n" text = text .. "Hits to reach next [CF]: " .. calculateTriesForNext(player, SKILL_CLUB) .."\n" text = text .. "Hits to reach next [SF]: " .. calculateTriesForNext(player, SKILL_SWORD) .."\n" text = text .. "Hits to reach next [AF]: " .. calculateTriesForNext(player, SKILL_AXE) .."\n" text = text .. "Hits to reach next [DF]: " .. calculateTriesForNext(player, SKILL_DISTANCE) .."\n" text = text .. "Hits to reach next [S]: " .. calculateTriesForNext(player, SKILL_FIST) .."\n" player:showTextDialog(11755, text) return false end function calculateManaForNextMagicLevel(player) local requiredMP = player:getVocation():getRequiredManaSpent(player:getMagicLevel() + 1) local spentMP = getPlayerSpentMana(player.uid) return math.floor((requiredMP - spentMP)/configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_MAGIC)+0.5) end function calculateTriesForNext(player, skillId) local requiredTries = player:getVocation():getRequiredSkillTries(skillId, player:getSkillLevel(skillId)+1) local doneTries = player:getSkillTries(skillId) return math.floor((requiredTries - doneTries)/configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_SKILL)+0.5) end function calculateTotalResistance(cid, combatDamageType) local totalValue = 1 for i = 1, #slotName do local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, i) if item ~= nil and item.itemid > 0 then local itemResistance = Item(item.uid):getType():getAbilities().absorbPercent[combatToAbilityType(combatDamageType)] if(itemResistance ~= nil) then totalValue = totalValue * (1.0-itemResistance/100) end end end return string.format("%.2f", (1.0-totalValue) * 100) .. '%' end function sumCustomAttributeValues(cid, customAttributeId) local totalValue = 0 for i = 1, #slotName do local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, i) if item ~= nil and item.itemid > 0 then local itemAttributeVal = Item(item.uid):getCustomAttribute(customAttributeId) if(itemAttributeVal ~= nil and itemAttributeVal > 0) then totalValue = totalValue + itemAttributeVal end end end return totalValue .."%" end function getHighestCustomAttributeValues(cid, customAttributeId) local totalValue = 0 for i = 1, #slotName do local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, i) if item ~= nil and item.itemid > 0 then local itemAttributeVal = Item(item.uid):getCustomAttribute(customAttributeId) if(itemAttributeVal ~= nil and itemAttributeVal > 0) then totalValue = math.max(totalValue, itemAttributeVal) end end end return totalValue .."%" end function sumAttributeValues(cid, attributeId, additionalAttributeId) local totalValue = 0 for i = 1, #slotName do local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, i) if item ~= nil and item.itemid > 0 then local itemAttributeVal = getItemAttribute(item.uid, attributeId) if(itemAttributeVal ~= nil and itemAttributeVal > 0) then totalValue = totalValue + itemAttributeVal end if(additionalAttributeId~=nil) then local itemAdditionalAttributeVal = getItemAttribute(item.uid, additionalAttributeId) if(itemAdditionalAttributeVal ~= nil and itemAdditionalAttributeVal > 0) then totalValue = totalValue + itemAdditionalAttributeVal end end end end return totalValue end function calculateStamina(player) local staminaMinutes = player:getStamina() return math.floor(staminaMinutes/60) .. 'h '.. math.fmod(staminaMinutes, 60) .. 'min' end function calculateAttackRange(cid) local defaultShootRange = 'melee' local weapon = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_LEFT) if( weapon ~= nil and weapon.itemid > 0) then local attrShootRange = getItemAttribute(weapon.uid, ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_SHOOTRANGE) if(attrShootRange ~= nil and attrShootRange > 1) then return attrShootRange end end return defaultShootRange end function calculateSpeedBoost(player) local currentSpeed = math.floor(player:getSpeed()/2) local baseSpeed = math.floor(player:getBaseSpeed()/2) if(currentSpeed>baseSpeed) then return " +"..(math.abs(currentSpeed-baseSpeed)) elseif (currentSpeed == baseSpeed) then return 0 else return " -"..(math.abs(currentSpeed-baseSpeed)) end end
If someone will be interested in further version I will probably try to implement "recording" of player's best hit and display such data among others. You can give yours ideas which additional data would be nice to see there. I'm open to suggestions!
Your tibian friend, Vitox
Post automatically merged:
If someone wants to extend with "best hit" and "highest hit received".
Create file /data/scripts/player_monster_hits_monitor.lua and fill with:
local creatureevent = CreatureEvent("PlayerMonsterHitMonitor")
function creatureevent.onHealthChange(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType,
if not creature or not attacker or creature == attacker then
return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType
local totalDamage = primaryDamage + secondaryDamage
if attacker:isPlayer() then
player = Player(attacker.uid)
local playerBestHit = player:getStorageValue(PlayerStorageKeys.playerBestHit)
if (totalDamage > playerBestHit) then
player:setStorageValue(PlayerStorageKeys.playerBestHit, totalDamage)
elseif (creature:isPlayer()) then
player = Player(creature.uid)
local totalDamage = primaryDamage + secondaryDamage
local monsterBestHit = player:getStorageValue(PlayerStorageKeys.monsterBestHit)
if (totalDamage > monsterBestHit) then
player:setStorageValue(PlayerStorageKeys.monsterBestHit, totalDamage)
return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType
local ec = EventCallback
function ec.onTargetCombat(creature, target)
if creature and target then
Add to /data/lib/core/storages.lua following properties (change values if you want to):
PlayerStorageKeys = {
playerBestHit = 499000,
monsterBestHit = 499001,
Now going back to stats.lua. Add function:
function getPlayerStorageData(player, storageId)
local value = player:getStorageValue(storageId)
if(value == nil or value <0) then
return 0
return value
text = text .. "Best Hit Dealt: " .. getPlayerStorageData(player, PlayerStorageKeys.playerBestHit) .. "\n"
text = text .. "Hightest Hit Received: " .. getPlayerStorageData(player, PlayerStorageKeys.monsterBestHit) .. "\n"
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