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[United States] [Custom / 7.4] [Nostalrius - Reckless] [Tuesday, 3rd of July 2018, 20:00 GMT-02]


Nostalrius Team
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Welcome to Nostalrius, the first EVER 7.4 (Anti-Bot) server created in Brazil. If you are looking for a good server to play here is your place. Our team is ready to answer all your questions, you are very Welcome to send an email to ([email protected]).

Register your account now at Nostalrius and receive 5 days of premium account!
So you like to watch War movies? Check out the Nostalrius video section!

Connection Info
Website: www.nostalrius.com.br
Create Account: Nostalrius
Download Client: HERE!


Reckless Experience Stages
Level to 20 Level: 20x
21 Level to 40 Level: 15x
41 Level to 60 Level: 8x
61 Level to 80 Level: 4x
81 Level to 100 Level: 3x
101 Level to 150 Level: 2x
151+ Level: 1x

Skills: 5x
Magic Level: 2x
Loot: Custom

Frag System
White Skull: 15 Minutes
Red Skull: 3 Days
Frags to Red Skull: 5 kills in a day (10 in a week and 20 in a month)
Frags to Banishment: 8 kills in a day (20 in a week and 40 in a month)
Ban Time: 3 Days

General Information
Premium Account: Paid
Promotion: Premium Account
Outfits: Premium Account
Boats and Spells: Free Account
PZ Lock: 15 Minutes
Protection Level: Rookgaard
Level to Buy House: Level 50
Level to Create Guild: Level 20

Nostalrius Team
Last edited:
Dont change rates, its Perfect, but it gonna be lagging in eastern europe?
Rates, should be a bit lower to exp. but highten the skillrate a Little. by like 1-2x

And also, about europé, what will the ping be?
Did u bought necronia layout? You should change picture on south east its from necronia xD
Your password must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase, and one number.

and i have to do 3 captcha

and then i have to check my email

are you trying to stop people from playing ur server? this is annoying as shit
Your password must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase, and one number.

and i have to do 3 captcha
and then i have to check my email
are you trying to stop people from playing ur server? this is annoying as shit

Hello, sorry about it but so far we have 428 accounts created. I think you had bad luck with the captcha system.
Yo, the Points that you need to buy. Is the price in euros? dollers? or real?
Any English speakers playing there? Store seems a little p2w for me... but might check it out
@Herod Yes! Of course. Yes its kinda like you are saying with p2w but this items especially boots and rings got small amount of people. Its worth to play here really. Last hrate edition stayed with 300+ players online for more than a month, which is in our times incredible long :D
@Herod Yes! Of course. Yes its kinda like you are saying with p2w but this items especially boots and rings got small amount of people. Its worth to play here really. Last hrate edition stayed with 300+ players online for more than a month, which is in our times incredible long :D
The old high rate lasted many months, more than 5 with a lot of players and wars. Now the server is much better, but always has something to improve so we are working on it.
The old high rate lasted many months, more than 5 with a lot of players and wars. Now the server is much better, but always has something to improve so we are working on it.

Hey, can I as a streamer on this OT receive any points? I had today more than 30 viewers, yesterday also! I gonna stream everyday :)
English people still playing? thinking about it giving it a shot .

edit: would love to find people for pvp.hit me up ingame i guess.