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UNNAMED acc. maker 0.3.2 beta for TFS

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Mega Noob&LOL 2012
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Last update: 30 December 2008 22:56
Newest version: 0.3.2 (beta2)
Credits said:
Acc. scripts:
*FightingElf - Elf (good ideas and scripts)
POT 0.1.7 / 0.1.0 (updated!):
*Tibia.com - CipSoft Gmbh
*Rasta - Gesior layout (with Ronaldino pictures) based on Arcsin "dirtilicius" layout
*Dark Ritual - Arcsin
UNNAMED Account Maker 0.3.2 (beta2)
*Account manager:
-create account (account name, e-mail, verification image, show server rules from file)
-create character (accept names like RL tibia character names, diffrent outfit for male/female, COPY character from database and change name, id, sex, account..., you select character to copy in "admin panel" like.. vocation: Sorcerer, char to copy: Sorcerer Sample, work with unlimited number of vocations, work with new vocations like... ID 94, vocation name: Ninja)
-change password (like on tibia.com)
-change e-mail (like on tibia.com, user must wait before e-mail change, time configurable in "admin panel")
-register account (generate rec-key)
-change character "comment" and set character account information "visible" or "hidden" (like on tibia.com)
-change account public information (location, rl name)
-load spells from OTS spells file (in "admin panel", save informations from file in database)
-set spell hidden/visible(admin) on "spells list" in library, also hide all/visible all
-show list of spells with informations, user can sort from 0 or from highest value (name, sentence, mana, soul, level, maglvl)
-user can select spells only for one vocation (and sort them)
-load monsters from OTS monsters files (in "admin panel", save informations from files in database)
-set monsters hidden/visible(admin) on "monsters list" in "library", also hide all/visible all
-show list of monsters with informations about every monster (hp, mana, summonable, race) and link to page about every monster
-on page about monster user see also monster "voices" and "immunities"
*Character search:
-show informations about searched player: name, vocation, level, magic level (show yes/no configurable in admin panel), guild, comment, residence (town), last login
-(if player is NOT HIDDEN)show information about his account: account status (pacc/facc), location, rl name, date when account has been created (like tibia.com)
-show list of player deaths (like tibia.com)
-(if player is NOT HIDDEN)show list of other characters from account and "online"/"offline" near every char
*Who is online:
-show list of players online
-user can sort list by name, level or vocation
-show highscores of players (level, magic level and all skills)
-100 players/page, links to next and previous page
*Last Kills/Last Deaths:
-show list of 25 (number configurable in "admin panel") last deaths from database
-rl tibia "death list" format(in table..):
4. Sorc killed at level 25 by an amazon.
5. Qutor killed at level 25 by a dragon.
6. Teo killed at level 41 by Kent.
*Houses List:
-show list of houses on OTS and informations about: size, rent, city and "owner"
*Guild System:
-change "guild nick" (this showed in game when you look at someone)
-create guild
-show guilds list (like tibia.com)
-change rank of players with lower rank in guild
For "owner" of guild:
-change guild description
-change guild MOTD
-delete guild
-pass leadership to other mamber of guild
-upload new guild image (size limit in "admin panel")
-add rank
-change rank level (member[1], vice-leader[2], leader[3])
-change rank name
-all what players with lower ranks can
For leaders:
-kick player with lower rank from guild
-all what players with lower ranks can
For vice-leaders:
-invite new player to guild
-cancel invitation
-change rank of players with lower rank
*News System:
-show news icon, post date, text and author
-admin can give rights to write news to every player on server (tutor? gm?)
-add, edit, delete news
-you can use HTML in news!
-javascript scripts to add news
*Admin panel:
-add,edit,delete news, set limit of news
-edit site configuration (default layout and many options: show yes/no)
-set limits of characters per account, lines and chars in guild description and many other
-reload monsters and spells from OTS files
-reload list of vocations from OTS file and set what vocations will be available in "create character" and name of character to copy when player try to create character with selected vocation
-edit maaany other options of acc. maker configuration
*Lost Account Interface:
-player can request e-mail (send only 1 e-mail to one account every XX minutes- config) with link to activate new password
-player can set new e-mail and new password if has recovery key
-flash animated gallery of pictures
- you add pictures to .../gallery/images/ and to list in pictureslist.xml
*Database manager:
-edit groups, accounts and players
-accounts and groups lists
-find players with same IP or IP RANGE (to find players who change IP)
-open: yourdomain.com/databasemanager/

What is new in this version:
* fixed many small bugs
* work with TFS 0.3 beta/beta2
* config in config.php file, more options configurable
* generate new recovery key
* work with new vocations (vocation ID + promotion level)
* show ban/delete on page
* show online/offline, level, vocation in highscores
* new script for Houses list
* use 'name', not 'account id'
* new characters can't use npc/monster names


TODO list for version 0.4:
-ban manager [0%] (wait for stable TFS 0.3)

UNNAMED Acc. maker 0.3.1a for TFS from 0.2.6 (0.2 rc 6) to 0.2.2? (0.2 rc 14)
LINKs TO VERSION 0.3.2 beta:
Unnamed acc. maker 0.3.2beta2 for TFS 0.3 beta
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how about of security?

btw, gratz for new release, I like your works, and I'm very happy what you still continue developing ;D
1. Error with "... domdocument() ..." (houses, vocations,spells, monsters sites)
Fix: http://otland.net/125705-post745.html
2. Update from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1 and problem with history page in shop system.
In phpmyadmin execute this SQL query:
ALTER TABLE `z_shop_history_item` CHANGE `offer_id` `offer_id` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;
UPDATE `z_shop_history_item`, `z_shop_offer` SET `z_shop_history_item`.`offer_id` = `z_shop_offer`.`offer_name` WHERE `z_shop_history_item`.`offer_id` = `z_shop_offer`.`id`;
how about of security?

btw, gratz for new release, I like your works, and I'm very happy what you still continue developing ;D
Fixed few security bugs reported by Talaturen.



Database editor 'find releated players' page:
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There is problem with searching database file in 0.3.1 .
In config.lua database name isn't "sqliteDatabase" but "sqlFile".
So... we must change all of lines like this:
$sqlitefile = $server_config['sqliteDatabase'];
$sqlitefile = $server_config['sqlFile'];
and all of:
$sqlitefile = $config['server']['sqliteDatabase'];
$sqlitefile = $config['server']['sqlFile'];

WARNING: if you'll change all of those lines, there may be bugs with TFS 2.0

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: Extraneous additional parameters' in C:\Xampp\htdocs\ACC\pot\OTS_SQLite_Results.php:75 Stack trace: #0 C:\Xampp\htdocs\ACC\pot\OTS_SQLite_Results.php(75): PDOStatement->fetchAll(0, NULL, NULL) #1 C:\Xampp\htdocs\ACC\pot\OTS_Base_List.php(234): OTS_SQLite_Results->fetchAll() #2 C:\Xampp\htdocs\ACC\accountmanagement.php(62): OTS_Base_List->rewind() #3 C:\Xampp\htdocs\ACC\index.php(133): include('C:\Xampp\htdocs...') #4 {main} thrown in C:\Xampp\htdocs\ACC\pot\OTS_SQLite_Results.php on line 75
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Fatal error: Call to undefined function urnlencode() in C:\xampp\htdocs\guilds.php on line 195

when one person wants to enter on his guild window. He wants to invite people by web and this error appears.
change in guilds.php urnlencode to urlencode
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Fatal error: Call to undefined function urnlencode() in C:\xampp\htdocs\guilds.php on line 195

when one person wants to enter on his guild window. He wants to invite people by web and this error appears.

i think u need to save server first same error here:P
edit :sry i have other error u need to do things that avartec write.
Great Gesior, Good job and keep it up man! I really would like to thank you.
Finally man! Couldn't wait any longer hehe. Great work as always. Thanks :)
does any 1 have a problem with not saving skills ?:>with character create by this account maker?
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