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[USA] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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We don't mind change as long as it's going to benefit the server and the people playing it and not just make him money.

Yes, I'm super money hungry with the amount of overpowered donations and allowing donations to single handedly merge Tier 5 without any effort!! //sarcasm
jake, hows it feel to have your entire server, Even people who are close to you. Talk trash about how you run things, hmm? Hows it feel knowing you keep making fuckup after fuckup after fuckup every patch.

i can tell you how the majority of people feel other than people on your dick, they feel like you just dont give a shit. and well, you dont. as proven by all your attacks on players about their legit complaints that have a server wide backing on. your lies about patch releases. and your lack of constructive player communications.

now i know you say you dont read my shit, Fact is, i know you do.
so maybe its time you start listening to the smarter being.

Even though syn is mostly wrong about a lot of the things recently, I think you should find a different way to suggest things other than by yelling at every player and syn whenever you try to suggest something. Radenk just tried to be nice and suggest/complain about something, whichever, and I try not to complain anymore because it doesn't get across anyway :p

I guess I'll say something, maybe get disregarded, but another person who says something is just another reason..

- Voc changes should be somewhere in the game with/without donation

- Since you say T5 may not be enough to successfully hunt elders, and someone told me that you wanted unique sets to be upgradable, does that mean that they will become the best sets eventually? Because, atm, it's not worth going for them. The way I see it, a t4 set is 150$, a unique set is 75$ and the items that would be used to upgrade it are probably the unique powder and clay, so an extra 75$ means something better than t5? Idk.

- Is there even a quest for the eonaka/aurora key?

- Syn, don't take Radenk's posts as hate or negative feedback, he's just telling you how it is atm, and that is really what it feels like. However, Obama rides along with anyone that opposes you, so ignore him ^^

Btw, this isn't me dickriding syn, it's a new way to give him feedback ;)

- - - Updated - - -

because of injustice

stop making me lol
If you're not money hungry then why add vocation changes? People can already bot 24/7, they should be able to start from level 1 on a new vocation.
hey not to get in ur arguin conversation, people is leaving ur server because ur to busy arguin and not listenin to people about ur damn situation
Yes I'm watching porn on my dedicated server in Miami. How am I suppose to take any of your suggestions seriously when you post shit like this? :p
What i dont get is you ask for serious suggestions and when they are given you rage like you got trolled by a support evelynn prebuff.
Im going to have to agree with the other and say the pay to change your voc is money hungry as fuck. Lets play the fastest lvling voc then swap to the slowest lving voc smart thinking :/
Its good to think ahead about new upcoming patches but you wont get to implement those patches if you dont fix the current issues.
If you're not money hungry then why add vocation changes? People can already bot 24/7, they should be able to start from level 1 on a new vocation.

why are you crying? grow the fuck up... seriously vocation changes aren't even that bad... i mean i could understand if they were like 5$ but i dont think hes gonna make them that low.... prob gonna be like $35-$50 to voc change
why are you crying? grow the fuck up... seriously vocation changes aren't even that bad... i mean i could understand if they were like 5$ but i dont think hes gonna make them that low.... prob gonna be like $35-$50 to voc change
Idk what in the other guys post made him appear to be a child. Vocation change is bad and if it were to be added then it should have a limit of once per character and maybe obtainable through a in-game quest like 20k quest.
why are you crying? grow the fuck up... seriously vocation changes aren't even that bad... i mean i could understand if they were like 5$ but i dont think hes gonna make them that low.... prob gonna be like $35-$50 to voc change

I should grow up? If I recall correctly you begged for a vocation change after you were killed by Styx. This is exactly why there shouldn't be vocation changes. The vocations aren't balanced so people will keep switching to whatever vocations is best at that time.
you guys act like people donate for T3 every damn day.... doesn't make sense, and the point i said why is he CRYING! usually when you are a child you CRY. Congratz you have no damn logic.
you guys act like people donate for T3 every damn day.... doesn't make sense, and the point i said why is he CRYING! usually when you are a child you CRY. Congratz you have no damn logic.
Crying = Stating your opinion, Congrats you are now a autistic orphan.
I should grow up? If I recall correctly you begged for a vocation change after you were killed by Styx. This is exactly why there shouldn't be vocation changes. The vocations aren't balanced so people will keep switching to whatever vocations is best at that time.

LOL? i never begged for a vocation change you dumbass... and shawn knows that he just over exaggerated it, and you think i've donated to this shit server? you kidding me? Top Non Donater on this server.
Syn I can't help but notice that you said you would not have rebirth/reborn, but you'll add donation for class changes? I don't understand this logic. Explain please?
Crying = Stating your opinion, Congrats you are now a autistic orphan.

No they way you say things can be considered crying... depends on how you state it. Congratz, you have downs.
LOL? i never begged for a vocation change you dumbass... and shawn knows that he just over exaggerated it, and you think i've donated to this shit server? you kidding me? Top Non Donater on this server.

Sorry but i think shanks beats u there.
Nop, he does not because you gave him shit lollllll that you've donated for
Well he never "Donated" and "Donations" normally get traded through out the server so what you are saying that no one is a non donator?
everyone else is doing it; i might as well join in the flame thread of this server... YAY! GO ME! I R SPECKLE 2 EVRy1!

1. @general: there is quite a lot of points mentioned that i agree with; personally speaking, there should be a little more enforcement of the rules going on in deathzot. this is completely from a noob's perspective, i feel like the rules are being bent and broken just to make a point that needs not be made. there is absolutely no reason that people should knowingly abuse obvious loopholes that are against the rules (i am looking at the people who MC in events).
2. @players: i honestly think people are just being way too tough on syn. i am the last person who is going to kiss anyone's ass, but this community is a nightmare from an observer's perspective and i cannot even imagine how it is from syn's point of view. have any of you even looked at all the suggestions you have thrown at syn and read the type of ignorant comments you make towards him? yes, he has been slacking off on answering legitimate concerns but he is only human. tibia was NEVER meant to be a job, it is a fun activity. he has stated that he is working on an update and i think everyone should just hold their comments and insults until after you have something new to complain about.
3. @syn/general: i suggest that syn should take a few minutes between responding on here and update the homepage for his site to reflect the current situation. at the very least put a link to this thread on the homepage so that people can stay up to date. i for one click the screenshot link, scroll down to a username i know flames this thread (obama) and click the link to here from his profile. also removing messages that are old or have been there for a while from the list when you first log in probably should be taken care of if you have the time. little things just to keep the community up to date will go a LONG way in calming the masses.
4. @syn: i don't know if you were joking or not, but please don't add a donation way to change your vocation. being a ninja there is nothing i would want more than to become a different vocation. even so, i know it isn't entirely fair for me to be able to switch to a more beefy vocation. i believe if you picked the wrong vocation for your style of play you should start over. obviously people are going to cry "that vocation is overpowered" and want to switch with every balancing you do.
5. @serious business: you should make a tic tac toe board instead of whatever that board is in edron. i would love to play actual tic tac toe instead of mine and archlord's ghetto fabulous makeshift game.
6. @syn: you should make a post prior to showing up and doing an event or selling houses. set a time, make a date, that way people can be online that actually want to partake or at least can make plans ahead of time. i know that you are a busy man, and i have complete respect for that, but your community deserves an equally fair chance instead of just being lucky to be on at the same time that you are on.
7. @general thoughts: i love this server and i love the majority of the community here. i really want to see it succeed and i really hope syn tells me all of the passwords one day *wink wink bff*. in all seriousness though, i don't see it much but i really think it should be said more often -- thank you syn. you have created a great server and have amassed a wonderful community. sure they are a bunch of asses (the admin included at times) but i get bored with goody two shoes anyways. i really hope once the finals are done and you get a breather and take a little time for yourself that you will put out some incredible stuff. i have nothing but respect, i know how much i hated being a host so i just feel like "better you lose your mind than me" :)

dey dreamer
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