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What oldschool has become


Banned User
Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
have you played oldschool lately? its a fucking shame what oldscholl has become, every fucking server its every team using multi client, sd bot with that evrebot, runemakers everywhere. Its totally disgusting this new people who are coming to play old servers, why the fuck you didnt stay on your tibia 8.6 with elfbot?
Good times when server needed 40 ppl to be sucessfull and was no botters.
Now you need atleast 500 players, and who the hell cares if people bot if its 500 players online buaaa. People who critizise the bot and still play this kind of server are also scum like botters. Stop giving them support and logging in.

Thx for read
Some people like to bot, some servers are created to be botted. Who are you to say how other people should play their video games?
Botting was always a part of oldschool, except in real oldschool because there weren't any bots yet.. It's an outdated game in a sense, it's super repetitive which drives people to use bots. I still love it though.
And I'm not saying that I support bots... I'd prefer them not to be there. But it's just the reality
Lol at the comments

Guys people play oldschool for reason, to have old feeling back when there was no bots.
New tibia has become bot to play yes, but we are talking on old version without hotkeys.

Get real please
it's always been like this. play servers w/ half decent bot protection.

but yes ofc playing oldschool just to aimbot etc is about as pathetic as you can get.
Botting was always a part of oldschool, except in real oldschool because there weren't any bots yet.. It's an outdated game in a sense, it's super repetitive which drives people to use bots. I still love it though.

anyway its fun to fight botters but when more than 50% of people/teams bots it eventually gets boring... like what happened to mastercores
Some people like to bot, some servers are created to be botted. Who are you to say how other people should play their video games?
no oldschool server was created to be botted, its basically why people do play it. im talking about 7.4 - 7.72
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I agree with you, if you are playing a no-hotkeys server because you want to fight other players using "click-based combat" then it would be very annoying if someone had a bot that cheated that skill. But if someone makes an old-school server there is nothing stopping them from using a custom client, the OTClient, or using some kind of bot-protection.