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You guys found this place yet?


Legendary OT User
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Well, taught it would be nice to give you guys a hint where this place is located :)




1 Hint.
Somewhere in Goroma :)
i know where but when i discovered it there wasnt any serpent spawn its 2weeks ago ^^ i think its nice to have there the new cool quest u were talkin about
ye found it, but whats the point? its rly small and u cant enter the tp
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The teleport doesn't work because the quest isn't finished :>
Me and my RL cleared it.
But where is there a quest?

Anyway nice work Neon.
Map rocks and the monster are perfect.
Great exp for 150 paladin, spawn is located in the last (4th) zone in goroma (1st are bone beast and gs, 2nd are hydras, 3nd quaras and tarantulas, 4rd serpent spawn) You've gotta go west and than follow the coast until you find a hole might be hard to see it. Remeber to bring full cap of potions if you want to make it a profitable hunt, cause running to magic shop every 30 min from there would be really annoying :)