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Do you think 9/11 was a conspiracy?

Do you think the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy?

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Amateur Web Developer
Mar 31, 2009
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Tell me what you guys think, was 9/11 a conspiracy? I personally believe it wasn't and find it laughable that people think it was. However if you do believe in it post your thoughts and why you think it was and I will provide you with evidence to the contrary. It really is disrespectful to think so, however many people are just brainwashed. Like I said, many claims have been debunked. Post your claims here if you are a conspiracy theorist.
What the US gov claims is obviously not the truth. Read between the lines, lol.

I have no interest in getting involved in this discussion, but in short:
"the Devil crept into heaven, God overslept on the seventh. The new world order was born on September eleventh"
Like I said, provide the claims as to why you think it was a conspiracy. There is nothing to read between the lines. Why do conspiracy theorists think that everything that happens has some kind of hidden secret to it? Every conspiracy theory I've heard up to know is based on speculation and "what-ifs", there is no evidence like "there were detonation cords in the towers". There is no EVIDENCE to prove 9/11 was an inside job, and there is a lot of evidence that proves it wasn't. So like I said, provide us with your claims and theories and I will respond to them.
It was all planed by the illuminati. Thats all that is to it, al-qaeda was made up by them, george bush and his entire family too
Is there any actual evidence to support this claim? Show me some physical evidence. There is evidence that Al-Qaeda exists and that they are responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Like I said, all I hear from conspiracy theorists are speculations and things like "everything is a lie", but they never show me any evidence. I already wrote this, if you think it's a conspiracy theory support your claim please.
It was all planed by the illuminati. Thats all that is to it, al-qaeda was made up by them, george bush and his entire family too

you seem bit secure about that, almost too secure about that...

it sounds like this was someones "opinion" and you listened to it without any experience about the subject, therefor you pick up his opinion and use it yourself..
Al-Q made up? yeah, guess one more time please..
A lot of people seem to think it was so far. Let's see some claims.
I think Al-Q is made up by some one, I saw a video of Obama and Osama beeing the same person! :O

omg, I made myself look like a Japanese, does that make it was never Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in the early 40's? maybe it was Washington DC attacked Pearl Harbor dressed like japs?
Dude seriously, what does that prov seriously? heard about photoshop? and even if it wasn't it still would prove 0 against the stories.
I wonder if it was also Al-Quaeda that planted the C4 explosives in the basements of the World Trade Center towers.
Do you need facts to believe what people say? But when government say something, you go along with it? How can YOU believe that it isn't a conspiracy theory? Post your facts and evidences, that clearly proves the opposite of what we think. Wasn't that easy was it? Other than bringing up some obvious facts. You know people who were victims of this incident said that they heared bombings from inside. But I believe that's just bullshit or?
I don't know much of politics to be honest, but from my prespective I see Al-Qaeda as a group working for the US trying to mudthrow their "own" people. Which are the arabs/muslims in order for them to look bad in the western world, it might be true. Not to mention most ignorant people today stating that the muslim religion is a terroristical group of people.
omg, I made myself look like a Japanese, does that make it was never Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in the early 40's? maybe it was Washington DC attacked Pearl Harbor dressed like japs?
Dude seriously, what does that prov seriously? heard about photoshop? and even if it wasn't it still would prove 0 against the stories.

The goverment can get away with everything, and I mean EVERYTHING we dont know whats true or not true..
Do you need facts to believe what people say? But when government say something, you go along with it? How can YOU believe that it isn't a conspiracy theory? Post your facts and evidences, that clearly proves the opposite of what we think. Wasn't that easy was it? Other than bringing up some obvious facts. You know people who were victims of this incident said that they heared bombings from inside. But I believe that's just bullshit or?
You clearly don't seem to understand how argumentation works. You see, rationally thinking people don't jump to insane conspiracy theories but go with the most logical explanation unless someone shows sufficient evidence to think otherwise.

When you say that "9/11 was a government plan to offset the kryptonite balance of the earth", you need to prove it instead of crying that everyone thinks you're mental.
K are you guys serious? your making a thread to try and put blame to people? thousands of people died guys... do we really need a thread to start throwing blame at new people? Its amazing how desensitized people are that they can make threads about thousands dieing just to shift blame.
Do you need facts to believe what people say? But when government say something, you go along with it? How can YOU believe that it isn't a conspiracy theory? Post your facts and evidences, that clearly proves the opposite of what we think. Wasn't that easy was it? Other than bringing up some obvious facts. You know people who were victims of this incident said that they heared bombings from inside. But I believe that's just bullshit or?

Buddy, I believe this because first: Al-Qaeda admitted it was them. Second: There is a recording of one of the terrorists. Third: It has been proven that what happened is exactly what SHOULD happen when a boeing 767 flies into a tower at 500mph. Every claim that theorists make has been debunked. What more evidence do you need? This IS the most logical explanation. Are you stupid or something? Why should I believe everything the government says is a lie? What would the Bush administration GAIN from this? There was no detonation cord discovered in any of the sites. And secondly YOU'RE WRONG about saying people said they heard bombs. People said they heard "secondary explosions", that doesn't mean bombs. Remember this was a huge building filled with electrical wiring and electrical boxes. Those things explode when they burn in jet fuel. To add to that the steel was seriously weakened making it bend up to 55 inches in some places meaning many parts of it crack. you think huge metal beams cracking and bending 55 inches wont create a similar sound to an explosion.

Another claim is that the fuel didn't burn hot enough for the steel to "melt". In fact the only place I actually see the word "melt" is in conspiracy theories, in professional investigations it always states that the steel was weakened enough that it couldn't support the weight of the towers. There was foam fireproofing, and when the planes hit at 500mph loaded with jet fuel, it was like a sand blaster and it stripped the fireproofing off. The steel lost like 70% of its strength, that is more than enough to cause it to collapse.

The goverment can get away with everything, and I mean EVERYTHING we dont know whats true or not true..

Quite the contrary my friend. If the government can't keep things like Bill Clinton's affairs secret how do you expect them to keep this secret? Thousands of specific people would had have to been involved in such a conspiracy for it to work. Do you really think there would not be ONE good person, or even ONE person who would slip up and give away ACTUAL evidence, such as a document or a testimony. An ACTUAL testimony, not a testimony saying "Well if the government can't prove exactly what happened to everything on 9/11 that MUST mean it's a conspiracy", that's completely stupid. The government can barely keep ANYTHING secret. Your simply paranoid by saying "we don't know whats true and whats not true". This isn't a dictatorship, the government is ELECTED, meaning that its very rare for such a person to come to power, let alone thousands. Why do you conspiracy theorists think there's always a hidden secret in everything, that everything is a lie? That's simply not how the world works, some things are hidden, but you theorists simply have no lives and so you spend your time trying to invent some kind of bogus theory that you think is "genius", when actually its bullshit. There is no evidence to support the claim that 9/11 was an inside job.
Heres some evidence, they found (there are images) molten metal in the fallen towers but they also found it on building 7 wich was not hit by any plane, also there was thermite all over the 3 towers (including building seven), so we are probably talking about a demolition. Did you knew bush admitted being in a secret satanist society named Skulls and Bones? please dont say people in power are not evil BECAUSE they are, history is and will almost always repeat itself because of this equation: power = corruption.
Heres some evidence, they found (there are images) molten metal in the fallen towers but they also found it on building 7 wich was not hit by any plane, also there was thermite all over the 3 towers (including building seven), so we are probably talking about a demolition. Did you knew bush admitted being in a secret satanist society named Skulls and Bones? please dont say people in power are not evil BECAUSE they are, history is and will almost always repeat itself because of this equation: power = corruption.

Hmm I suppose you think that there was Thermite in the buildings. There is no evidence of thermite. Are you referring to the fact that the rubble was very hot? Well obviously the tower was burning at excesses of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour and many things were still on fire so of course it would be hot. Building seven was hollow on the bottom. As the towers collapsed Building 7 was severly damaged by the falling debree and fires were ignited. There were diesel fuel tanks in Building 7 for back-up generators which fueled the fires. Since the bottom was hollow, most of Building 7's structure was compromised and thus it collapsed. It's simple science. Please SHOW me these pictures of melting steel, and from what I've read the Bush family is SUPPOSEDLY in the Skull and Bones society, which is probably a lie because SUPPOSEDLY 9/11 was a conspiracy. And Skull and Bones is SECRET society, that doesn't mean its a satanist society. So even if he did belong to a secret society whats that got to do with anything? This is what I mean by speculation you say "He belonged to some kind of secret society in college, so that MUST mean 9/11 was a conspiracy", are you completely retarded? You just ignored all of the ACTUAL FACTS. Like I said, people in power ARE ELECTED, so there is a very slim chance that one of these people ELECTED will be "evil". Building 7's collapse has been scientifically proven. The idea that it was a demolition is completely preposterous because, the buildings started to collapse from the top(not from the bottom like in controlled demolitions), there was no detonation cord, no explosives, no wiring found to even suggest the possibility of a demolition. So that completely disproves your theory. Even more is the question of when would they wire the building? And don't give me this bullshit of "oh the building was closed for a few days or on this and this day". That's bullshit, it would have taken months to wire the two biggest structures in the world, at that time, so the idea that some crew dressed in black snuck in at night and wired the WTC buildings for demolition is simply impossible. What you posted is not, its simply stupid speculation.