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  1. maxumic

    PHP Developer for Hire

    Hi, If you're looking for an experienced PHP developer, feel free to add me on Discord: rwxsu. Even if you don’t need help right now, you can add me to reach out when you do. What I Can Help You With Developing new website features (PHP/MySQL) Payment integrations (PayPal, Stripe, etc.)...
  2. Jpstafe

    How can I change this? php help

    Hello, I'm trying to change this on my server page, but I can't find it, I think the web engine is the manager... I need to delete items in the shops part of the page. in the shop index.php?subtopic=shopsystem: PHP Sandbox - Execute PHP code online through your browser...
  3. O

    Solved Problem after ssl Myaac

    hey, after installed ssl certificate for uniformserver/myaac. i can´t visit my custom highscore page . If i click on Event Points i see the 'home' page. Before works all fine.
  4. marcelomnzs

    [MYAAC] Polls more than one by time.

    I'm using myaac and would to make some polls at same time, but I can't found where I can edit the option that only do one by time.
  5. C

    Programmer Ubuntu/Debian Server Installation, SSL, Apache2 & Nginx Configuration, TFS 0.4 & PHP Scripting - Affordable & Flexible

    Hello Everyone, If you're in search of an all-in-one solution for your server, web security, and scripting requirements, look no further! What We Can Do For You: 1. Ubuntu & Debian Server Installation: Custom-built, super-secure, and ready-to-launch server setups. 2. SSL Configuration: Step...
  6. J

    Problem with query Ticket System

    Hello Everyone ,I add to my Site(Gesior)Ticket System but I have Problem Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch() on a non-object in C:\xampp173\xampp\htdocs\pages\helpdesk.php on line 310 Because I dont Have Page in my phpmyadmin ,how I can add table to my sql?can somebody help me?please
  7. Svira

    IP Logger PHP for MyAcc

    What is this? add in index: <?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "nazwa_uzytkownika"; $password = "haslo_uzytkownika"; $dbname = "ots"; // Stwórz połączenie z bazą danych $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // Sprawdź, czy udało się połączyć z bazą danych...
  8. Sprrw

    AAC Php and database fetching

    Hola Otland! Im working on a website for my project and on my homepage I wanted to display a "latest news section" something like: Pic from : Wayfinder - Join the Closed Beta on PlayStation® and PC (https://www.playwayfinder.com/en) Well anyways so I came up with this code : <?php...
  9. Kuantikum

    PHP [MyAcc] Change/link folder create character.

    Hello! Im using the last MyAcc version and looking for change/link a folder to create character. So, the idea is when click in CREATE CHARACTER button, it go to other webpage folder. This at index.php: '/^account\/character\/create\/?$/' => array('subtopic' => 'accountmanagement', 'action'...
  10. W

    Help me to fix latestnews.php pls

    I'm not able to fix some errors in my latestnews.php. Does not show Most Powerfull Guilds When I add a new message it comes WITHOUT Formatting borders and contours. Image of how it looks:
  11. T

    Programmer PHP, MyAcc plugin - Affiliate System

    I am looking for a PHP developer to write an affiliate system plugin for MyAcc. (Probably some Lua will also be needed to add items to the player) System: Generates an affiliate registration link for the user; Counts registrations and displays them on the user's account management page...
  12. MrVilhelm

    AAC Making my own layout

    Hey everyone! 🤓🖐 Long time no see I've been invested in webdevelopment for about 2 years now and Im getting quite good at it (IMO). So coding the website + making the styling etc aint the problem. But the PHP and connecting the website to the database is. Im feeling very overwhelmed by...
  13. B

    Programmer Taoprox's Web Development Services

    Hello, I have some space available for new clients, therefore I am offering my web development services to server owners on OTLand. Have you ever wanted a new feature on your website, such as a poll system or something unique that no other server has, but you don't want to switch acc systems...
  14. sony94

    Programmer Payment, Security and Website Services

    Need help with PayPal, Stripe, or other payment methods? Example: See a minimal example of a Stripe + ZnoteAAC integration Services: Small payment method bug fixes - starting at €50 (e.g. fix not receiving points bug) Set up an entirely new payments API - starting at €200 Need help with...
  15. MaSc

    Programmer [MaSc] Jerop's Services {TFS,OTSBR,OTX, OTCLIENT , OTCV8,php}

    Are you looking for a professional programmer to upgrade your server, add unique features, increase performance, fix crash bugs, or modify your website? Look no further – I can handle all of these tasks for you. I have extensive experience working with OTServ and The Forgotten Server. Although...
  16. Daniel Kopeć

    Solved Serwer Status Problem

    The Status server does not show the number of players online. How to fix it? Gesior Acc Maker: var/www/pot/OTS_ServerStatus.php <?php /**#@+ * @version 0.1.4 * @since 0.1.4 */ /** * @package POT * @author Wrzasq <[email protected]> * @copyright 2007 (C) by Wrzasq * @license...
  17. dracovisk

    Guild Invite - Premium Gesior

    its not possible invite players on my guild, not even show members/leader in guidlist.
  18. CoolBuys1290

    Gesior 2012 Error

    I tried installing Gesior on my other computer. STEP 4 Add samples to DB: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetch() on boolean in E:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php:33 Stack trace: #0 E:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php(21): Account->load(1, 'name') #1...
  19. Lurk

    AAC [ZnoteACC] Help-me optimize my isMarried on characterprofile

    Helo, I just added this to my server NPC - Marriage system 8.6+ [Fixed] (https://otland.net/threads/marriage-system-8-6-fixed.161590/) and I wanted to show on my website who the characters were married to and I managed to do it but the code is so ugly it makes me sad :( can anyone help? here's...
  20. Lurk

    AAC ignore css in a specific <tr>

    I have this tr <tr style="background-color:'.($count % 2 ? 'rgba(241, 224, 198, 0.6)' : 'rgba(212, 192, 161, 0.6)').';" > but the colors don't apply ever because on my css table tr th, table tr td { background: #555555; /*color: #FFF; */ color: skyblue; padding: 7px 4px; text-align...