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  1. K

    Account manager 1/1

    Hello, I have an account manager 1/1.When I log in i can move and I dont have options to create an account. How to fix my acc manager??
  2. Dvax

    Lua Boss Reward " You Are not the owner " - /m BossName <- Working OTX3

    Hello, I have problem with reward boss. Example 1 : I go Portal Boss ( Knowlage Quest ) North Thais. Killed boss " Lady Tenebris " And try open have massage " You are not the owenr ". Go to Temple and open Reward Chest and empty. but I create this boss " Lady Tenebris " on GoD ( /m Lady...
  3. N

    Tibia Client 8.42 edit

  4. T

    Light on character's just doesn't turn off.

    Hi, there. I've been facing a weird bug with the light around characters in my OTC. They just doesn't turn off. I've tried it with a brand new compiled version and the problem persists. It seems like it's not a problem with the items configuration itself, since it works fine when they're not...
  5. Sylabista

    AAC GesiorACC - IP changing in install.php

    Cześć, mam problem z ACC Gesiora, podczas próby instalacji w install.php zmienia mi się IP. Mam wykupionego VPS, zmienia się ostania cyfra IP, czyli xx.xxx.xx.xx(?). W czym może być problem? In English : Hey, I have a problem with ACC Gesior, when I try to install in install.php I change to...
  6. V

    Invalid account name.

    8.54 0.3.6tfs First sorry for my english. Hi i have the problem becouse i can create account and character on the site if i try log in to the server i get the error "Invalid account name" only working password is 1/1 Zapodaj.Net - Darmowy hosting zdjęć i obrazków bez rejestracji! -...
  7. P

    OTClient 11.49 "Connection Refused"

    Hello, I'm trying to run ots via hamachi (just for fun/testing with few friends) and there's one problem. They can't connect to it, client is normally running but it's sending "Connection Refused" error. I have changed config.lua ip to hamachi one, changed RSA key into otland one and it's ip to...
  8. kariera123

    Donating points problem znoteaac 1.5 tfs0.4

    Hello otladners, I have problem with sending shop points by admin panel to character on znoteacc Imgur I heard that i need to run domain((my isnt localhost))/special/database2znoteaac.php but when i start this nothing realy happend Imgur also i need to say when i want to open domain/special...
  9. H

    TFS 0.X Missing some line in DB. can someone recognise it?

    Hi guys, I just noticed an error on my console: mysql_store_result(): UPDATE `players` SET `online` = 0 WHERE `world_id` = 0; - MYSQL ERROR: (0) Anyone got any idea what should I do to remove this error? I believe it is a missing line in database, but I got no idea how to insert it. Thanks...
  10. H

    AAC Gesior 2017 ACC maker missing image. Please help

    Hello guys, I need your help. On my website there is missing some sort of code or image on my account maker (Gesior 2017). I have completely no idea where is this writed. I have looked for it in layout.php and index.php and I can't find where is this thing coded. I believe it can be related to...
  11. D

    1 kill counting as 3 kills

    Hey. I've been trying to add a task system to my 7.72 open tibia project, and I'm encountering a problem with the task counter. I got the task npc working I added a task script in creaturescripts.lua called "Dragons" I added registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Dragons") in login.lua I added...
  12. marcos16

    Mount exchange

    Hello otlanders, A problem appears on the mounts of my server Use mount with speed 20 it adds 20 speed to the player. I switch to a speed 5 mount (without taking the previous mount) the speed attribute 20 continues and if I leave the mount speed 5 will remove only the 5 speed, getting 15 speed...
  13. H

    NPCSystem error

    Hello guys, I'm removing all weird errors which I was getting on a server just to try stuff out, and I'm struggling to find the error for this one, and I was wondering if someone who is good at this might see the problem? The error I get looks like this in console: [Error - NpcScript...
  14. Udun


    Greetings to all. I was testing the otclient (8.60, server tfs 0.3.6), specifically fighting against many monsters. As we know when too many mosters surround us, one starts running diagonally and sometimes the monsters are faster and the player stays in the sqm he came from. This would be in a...
  15. A

    Asks if you want to download tibia 11 client, How to fix?

    Everytime me or someone of my friends try to login to the server it gives this: http://i64.tinypic.com/detcw7.png and when I click cancel I get into the server normally, but I just want to make it that it wont ask anyone who tries to login to the server, how can I do that? Tibia 10.98 and...
  16. cdpa2000

    Help failed to get sprite id Object build

    Hi, I have this problem with object builder when trying to open some spr and any program I try to use sprites editor does not work.
  17. GM Middle

    How to add skull to monster name??? OTHire 0.0.3

    Please help ! i use [7.72] OTHire 0.0.3 this dont work <monster name="Amazon" nameDescription="an amazon" race="blood" experience="60" speed="180" manacost="390" skull="SKULL_YELLOW">
  18. GM Middle

    Need Actions script ! obsidian knife

    engine : OTHire 0.0.3 [7.72] OTHire 0.0.3 Use Obsidian Knife on this mushroom VVVVV VVVVV Delete Mushroom on map and give to backpack chance 20% VVVVV Mushroom have spawn for 5 minutes Like for Help !
  19. cdpa2000

    Znote Problem with user login

    Good, I come with an error that I hope they can help me. When creating an account on my website works perfectly and appears in the database but when trying to enter an error appears. Pictures. Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
  20. Unknown Soldier

    AAC Gesior + TFS 1.2

    Hello everyone, well... durig development of my server I finally found some problem(s) which I am not able to solve without posting new thread. So here I go... 1. [SOLVED] solution was switching from UniServ to Xampp The first problem is related with guilds. When creating a new guild I had...