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[8.50]Bottle of Wine

why are walkable areas so narrow in almost every custom map? o_O
When you will fight 2v1 with hydras,[i don't belive you will take solo them, cause we had lower % of hp, to don't making PvP so easy], you must have tanker, who stand and you have 100% of promise, hydra will not attack you.

Some by 2-3 weeks, we will starts test of PvP. You will reach 180 lvl when you will log in, and go on arenas, testing pvp. [You will get speelbook with names, and most better Equipment]

Give here, ideas for new spells. :) We will try to put them into ots. But not give with Tibia "exori/exura" etc. Only own, like
"Frostbolt" "Fireball" you can do it with ranks, like:

Fireball rank 1.:
Fireball rank 2.:
like that.
What do you need help with, lol

New spells?
I had good info. If winds will be good, we have chance to start PvP Tests in 2 weeks!
Welcome! Today i will show you something more about elves.
Elf's are living near a dwarf bridge named Kirleas, what mean "Friend". That bridge, is some something like document of peace, by elves and dwarfs.
But now, humans attack that bridge, because Therium and Renmar need them, to gain a new merchant way.


But back to elfs. Elfs have a very beautiful architecture. In center of the city, is river what give us many of little bridges.
Three temples of elven god, and most important for mage's - Arcanist Guild.
Elf's are looking for brave warriors, who can help them fight with minotaurs. So, many of quests in that city, will be for killing the minotaurs.








Some news.
If wind will be good, we will starts pvp tests soon!
We searching for good graphic who can make a layout.
We searching for good pixel-art graphic :)

Bottle of Wine team:

Have a nice weekend!
After looking at this I nearly fell off the chair. This is amazing and I just love all the innovations and new solutions! Give me the test server! ^^

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