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About the new spells in tibia client (8.40)


New Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Well I was just wonderning, when the new spells will come to this server? With this I mean:

# Knight Spells:

* Blood Rage (utito tempo) - Increases all weapon skills (axe fighting, club fighting and sword fighting) by 135% for 10 seconds. Concentrating on his attack, a knight will neglect his defense.
* Protector (utamo tempo) - Increases by 220% the knight's shielding for 10 seconds. Concentrating on his protection, a knight will not be able to attack his opponent though for this period of time, nor cast spells.
* Charge (utani tempo hur) - Increases your speed by 90% for 5 seconds.

# Paladin Spells:

* Swift Foot (utamo tempo san) - Increases the paladin's speed by 80% for 10 seconds, they however can not attack nor use attack spells during this time.
* Sharpshooter (utito tempo san) - Increase the distance skill of the paladin by 150% for 10 seconds. As a downside, their speed is reduced 70% for the duration of the effect and they cannot cast any healing, support or supply spells.
* Holy Missile (adori san) - spell to create rune.

Changes in Spells:

Wild Growth (Exevo grav Vita)- This spell became a rune spell, which enables druids to place a wild growth correctly. The Wild Growth runes can only be created and used by druids.

If you could fix this, then this server would ROCK (it already pwns and is the best OT in OT's history.

You GM'S are already doing a rly good job, but I and many others would be very thankfull if you could tell us a date when this can be fixed

/Sir Retip
And where you forgot the vocation balance??
What happens to sorcerer's then?

Yea indeed, so the other voc's would be more overpowered..

And where you forgot the vocation balance??
What happens to sorcerer's then?


Lol? This is HOW IT SHOULD be -.-, well perhaps they should remove that knight can make 2x hits in same second but anyway sorcerer are already good
I havent played rl tibia for years, but exevo grav vita as rune? :eek: I think thats little bit overpowered. But probably cipsoft knows what they are doing :)
I havent played rl tibia for years, but exevo grav vita as rune? :eek: I think thats little bit overpowered. But probably cipsoft knows what they are doing :)

Its not really overpowered, since you can just use a machete on it.. (on rl tibia that is.. they should really fix that here also, if they consider making it a rune..)
Lol? This is HOW IT SHOULD be -.-, well perhaps they should remove that knight can make 2x hits in same second but anyway sorcerer are already good

How it should be? Seriously get ur nubcak face out of here.
Sorcerers should do more damage than druids (and I mean alot more) with both runes and instant spells.

You can say no whatever you want but they have it like this on real tibia and its BALANCED.
How it should be? Seriously get ur nubcak face out of here.
Sorcerers should do more damage than druids (and I mean alot more) with both runes and instant spells.

You can say no whatever you want but they have it like this on real tibia and its BALANCED.

Are you stupid? Seriously!
sorcerers are fucking good enough lol they sd like freaks but they should fix that i hope. :)